Home EOTech EOTECH Makes an NC Star? Vudu 3-9×32 (SFP)

EOTECH Makes an NC Star? Vudu 3-9×32 (SFP)


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  1. I'm not mad at it. LPVOs are pretty lacking at 1x due to the eye box with people running piggy back/offset red dots anyways. It gets rid of the, in my opinion, pretty useless 1x of an LPVO and gives you a 3x, which most people run for a magnifier, and allows you to boost it up to 9x. I think its better than a fixed 3x or 4x. If they can get that eye box as good as good as an ACOG and make it close to ACOG durability and offer it in FFP it will be the new meta. The HOB is not that bad, it's similar to the dudes larping with those huge risers for that sick chin weld in the hopes that one day they will be able to afford NODs.

  2. Swampfox did the tall cant on their hostile engagement mount and it was not user friendly to me at all. To keep a cheek weld you end up using your other eye because it lines up ok but zero was a pain in the ass.
    Went to an arisaka offset mount and it was infinitely easier to shoot and zero. The top mount cant is NOT the way.

  3. I'm genuinely interested in getting one second hand to out on my cetme C lol.

    This feels like a really good scope if you need a durable short deer rifle scope for the G3 platform. Which is an oddly specific use case.

  4. Honestly I wouldn't hate a 4-12×40 version of this as a super compact lightweight SPR/DMR optic. I don't care all that much about FFP vs SFP as long as the reticle design is good, but the reticle in this scope needs an upgrade. I think they should just copy the ACSS reticles from Primary Arms

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