This video explains the processes of sighting in a scope!
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This video explains the processes of sighting in a scope!
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Nice job
Excellent video, thanks!
Ok so how many clicks to move 1 inch at 50 yards? 8? Did I understand it correctly?
This is great, thank you
Dam that was a great video for a short video I seriously have been struggling to understand how to use the windage, and elevation knobs. I feel this video taught me a lot in a short time! Now’s it’s time to practice Great video!!
There for a second I blown away by your chalk board handwriting and lost track of the video and then I seen something was off. Lmao.
I was mesmerized
this is a awesome class thank you
Great lesson! However, what about at 50m do you double it? If it's above the poa by 2 inches, would you have to bring it down 8clicks or 16?
Thanks a lot for this manual! For me as a beginner in sharpshooting it was incredibly useful and easy to comprehend.
Awsome video! Very infromative
Excellent video! What if your scope is in mils. What is the adjustment methodology?
Excelent Video Thank You
Awesome video…….. thanks
You were amazing sir!!! Thank you for making that crystal clear for me! It's nice to know that it's prob got more to do with my lack of abilities & not havin a very secure spot to set up(ie…like the back of my truck!? Lol) which I'm sure didn't help my cause much either!?
… But, I guess I'll find out for sure next weekend!
Also, would that make 3 inches at 300yds call for 4 clicks because it's technically 1 MOA?
Just verifying that I understand the MOA correctly
Question: 1" low at 100 = 4 clicks.
Being the scope is 1/4"
Would 1" low at 200yds be 2 clicks up?
And if it was 2" low at 200 would equal 4 clicks up correct?
Or is my math wrong?
How do you calculate the clicks if you aren’t 100 yards away? Say 25 yards? Or 125 yards?
Great video
elevation is counterclockwise for up but I have looked at 10 videos and nobody says windage left clockwise or counterclockwise. How many clicks clockwise or counterclockwise? GRRR
What a great (!) video for beginners. Your time and effort invented is sincerely appreciated. Please keep up the very solid work.
an retired police officer told me that a great( tight) grouping is when you shot all your rounds trough the same hole.excuse my spelling.
Thank you for the vid.
Man make it simple I don’t want that math bs
I watched out of curiosity….good job. My only suggestion would be to show the bullseye in a SQUARE grid…it's much easier to calculate windage and elevation. My guess is the circular example you use will be harder for beginners to understand.
Very impressive video with exactly what I needed to know. You should write a book or I guess pamphlet

But what if my scope is in mils?? Just kidding
very good and helpfull!!! Nice job!!!!!
Thank you for the great teaching Sir. God bless you
Clear and to the point. Thank you!
That was very well explained. But what when You have 1Click @ 1/8" @ 100Yd and You want to shoot below 100Yd. Like 50Yd or even 25Yd. And also the scope can magnifies from 6-24 times. How to calculate that in different magnifications?
inches ha?? it would be easy understand IF you would use cm not inches