Today I compared two similarly equipped LPVO’s. But they have VERY different value propositions. the Arken EP8 1-8 against its competitor the Eotech Vudu 1-8/1-10.
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No thanks, I don’t want a Chinese scope!
03:10 I want to highlight what he said about risk taking. All of the legacy optics/companies that people desire today were once upon a time the new kids on the block. What he said is true. And, I get it, we all want something tried and true we can depend on for our lives and loved ones. However, being automatically dismissive because something is new and less expensive is why the legacy companies charge the high prices they do. Competition drives prices down when there are "other quality" options like Arken and Primary Arms. The saying, "you get what you pay for" is not guaranteed nor automatic. Not saying that high dollar ticket items are not good, nor am I saying less expensive options are junk. People equate higher quality/durability with higher prices. It takes a strong person to not cave to peer pressure and image politics and just buy what works at any price point. Yes, new products still have to prove themselves over time and meet all of the previous bars set by legacy scopes. Again, legacy brands and scopes had to do it too. Let that sink in… EDIT: I do not own an Arken EP8…yet. But it is growing on me more and more by the day.
I have two Arken 1-8's and I like em a lot. Now I have the 1-6 Arken and the LH-4 4-16 on the way to put on my hunt'n rifles. Now I have a SH-4J 6-24 on my Noreen AR-10 30-06LR and it's a great 1000yd platform. The LH-4 6-24 is on my heavy barrel 17hmr at the moment and it's been my groundhog deleting set up since Arken came out with the LH-4 series. Arken has stepped it up as far as budget and quality goes. Now if Arken would come out with a 1x prism that's as tough as the Primary Arms one now that'd be a game changer. Great video Bud.
Well done.
Honest question, where do you think eotech put the $800 difference? An extra 2x magnification and the rest in their pockets? lol
Would like to know if maybe the eotech if more durable?
Anyways great video! Thanks for the info
Extreme improvement since last vid dropped