Home AR-15 Danielle Valkyrie’s Oberland Arms German AR-15 Build

Danielle Valkyrie’s Oberland Arms German AR-15 Build


Join @JamesReeves as he sits down with @daniellevalkyrie to discuss her German-made Oberland Arms custom AR-15 build in Mountbatten pink. In this exclusive interview, Danielle shares the details behind her Oberland Arms AR-15, including her choice of handguards, muzzle devices, optics, and furniture. Whether you’re a fan of unique rifle builds or want expert insights into custom AR-15 configurations, this is a must-watch.

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  1. If having a pink rifle is what it takes to get your girl interested in shooting, then so be it. You can always hit it with Rustoleum if the boogaloo happens. "Bleistiftlauf" (Lead Stick Tube=Pencil Barrel) The Brits called their camo pink Land Rovers "Pink Panther"

  2. I just recently found this great shooting channel, been binge watching vids. Even better, as a female you having an amazing female shooter showcased in multiple vids. I'm going subscribe to her channel as well.

  3. I wouldn't jump to question her decisions, even for the pink rifle. As we saw it had unknown history behind it, used by SAS.
    I also wouldn't unnecessarily critique her for no iron sights or take a shot at her.
    I'm not saying this because I'm a simp either.

    I have seen her capabilities and I respect it

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