Shotguns vs. AR-15s? The debate rages on, and @JamesReeves will dive right into it with a balanced look at both firearms. While the AR-15 has edged out the shotgun in most cases, there are still a few things a shotgun can do that an AR just can’t. From recoil, capacity, and range to modularity, tactical reloads, and *anime-themed* add-ons, I break down why many have shifted to ARs—and where shotguns still hold their ground. No sticker-on-the-truck loyalty here, just a practical view for anyone who’s ever wondered if one platform could truly replace the other. Let’s dig into the pros and cons with a healthy dose of humor and some real talk about shooting hardware.
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You ditch the fruity shorts, then sport a pornstache. You scare me, dude!
Keep the mustache & grow a beard. It’s time to become men again. At least make it past the new year. Don’t be gey. The internet isn’t Neutral Ground.
Also. Where tf is our mailbag you boomer.
Cant wait for the 5 reasons why shotguns are better than ar15s. And i already know the first reason, it has to do with Clit shitting on the floor.
Look good for a boomer brotha, figured you were about 42 years old.
This guy looks like James Franco
Fantastic – a shout out to Chuck Hawks – thx Jimmy.
I feel like magazine fed shotguns would be a lot more reliable if they had rimless shotgun shells. They also might even be smaller.
OK, what is that flip up site gas block that is on your SBR with the can?? it looks absolutely rad.
Motherfucker I just finished kitting out my brand new A300 ultima patrol for home defense and now that transsexual lawyer scumbag James Reeves is making me spend another $3000 in this economy on a home defense AR-15
On the one hand, I need to stop making comments on videos before I'm finished watching the video, because most of the points I wanted to bring up have already been addressed. On the other hand most of them are common sense.
good video
This discussion kind of parallels the 9mm vs. .45ACP/10mm carry handgun version. I have always been a Glock 20/21 guy but after much discussion with others, I have a Walther PDP Pro X coming. Modern defence loads in both 5.56 and 9mm are close enough to the damage that the big boys can do that the extra capacity and follow up shot capability has won me over. That being said, I am still keeping my Tavor TS-12 around for when the fedbois start deploying drones to attack our freedoms.
As long as i have my ballsack foregrip, idc what im running.
Please grow a mullet. I want to see it on you. I think you would look good with it
James , your channel is doing great with many subscribers you don't need to turn to gay porn . lose the mustache !
All shotguns are better than all AR15s all the time. Fight me naked in the comments.
Wow, lying down on the floor you've got a hot ass. I'd love to tap it. And so would you. lol.
Don't tease us worth that BeachMaster anymore!!
6:45 DEFCON yellow Chiquita mag spotted!

Pepper Box…make the move!