Home AR-15 “THAT AR15 IS ILLEGAL” – but is it really?

“THAT AR15 IS ILLEGAL” – but is it really?


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  1. Reno, you bring up some interesting points about not knowing the legality of a rifle configuration by simply looking at a picture. If you built a rifle and follow the process DOJ has prescribed, it seems they (DOJ) have given themselves wiggle room to obtain a warrant to ,"inspect" and verify if your rifle is compliant based on the pictures you send them as per their process. The gentleman in Orange county being served a search warrant is proof enough that DOJ can come into our homes and perform searches. They ended up finding a lower receiver with a mounted buffer tube and claimed wanting to ,"help" the homeowner.

  2. "Don't post illegal guns online."

    I'll take it one step further: DON'T POST ANY GUNS ONLINE. No one should know what you have expect for the people closest to you. Don't give the government or anyone else any information about what you possess.

  3. Saturated laws are overwhelmingly responsible for the discouragement towards this community. It absolutely pisses me off! I have buddies that wanna get into shooting but the minute you bring up the laws (for their own good) you can literally see the excitement leave their face. Never mind that, think of the prices one has to pay in order to even get into the hobby and then provide the necessary equipment/maintenance for required training and firearms. Politicians and businesses literally make it impossible for us to keep up!!

  4. I knew your AR Pistol was california compliant right off the bat because of the gap on upper receiver to the lower. It only usually exists in firearms that can be put out of battery in order to eject the mag.

  5. I have to believe idiot politicians make idiotic gun laws because they know nothing about them. But if you think about it, they're probably making idiotic laws about DOZENS of things they know nothing about.

  6. The answer to both is maybe. Albeit I've seen you show off the first one before so I know it's legal, and I know you're not dumb enough to post illegal rifles on social media.

    But yeah, at a glance it is generally impossible to know if something is legal unless it clearly has all the featureless features.

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