What is the most efficient way to take down the spookiest of Halloween Monsters? Ryan Gresham and Kevin “KJ” Jarnagin of Gun Talk Nation discuss the many different options to take out vampires, zombies, mummies, and many more scary creatures of the night.

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  1. Vampires Witches Zombies or Mummy – flame thrower for the KS
    Werewolves silver bullet to the heart – any accurate firearm, flame thrower can also cause them to run away,
    Zombies fast or slow – head only – heavy buckshot from a 12ga or larger / Barret rifle in 50BMG / or Phalanx for WWZ mobs of fast movers,
    Frankenstein's monster fears fire so use the flamethrower again to run him off, but nothing short of a mortar is going to stop him,
    Witch – basically human normal stuff, and of course flamethrower again,
    Headless Horseman – Daylight –> UV light to disable (watch Sleepy Hollow series), not sure he can be permanently stopped except by removing the curse but he fears fire as well I think.

    Flame thrower sounds like the most useful tool for this list, it will at least buy you some time to escape maybe.

  2. Generally speaking, when dealing with undead or supernatural beings, you need anti-matter devices. You can't necessarily kill them, so you need to destroy the physical matter that they can use to harm you. That requires buckshot, fire, or possibly full-auto rifle caliber. Obviously there are specific applications for headshots on zombies, silver ammunition for werewolves and vampires (Blade used silver hollow-points filled with garlic), but most can be sufficiently suppressed with buckshot and fire. I feel I need to make the disclaimer that I am not speaking from direct experience.

    Jason Vorhees was in the Friday the 13th movies, Michael Myers was the Halloween franchise.

  3. lol been listening on Spotify then when you mentioned watching switched back to you tube. Forgot how nice Ryan's hair was. thank you guys for the years of great content! and your Dad…

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