Home EOTech CAT Dirty Dave VS CGS Hyperion 300 blk Sig 120 grain supers...

CAT Dirty Dave VS CGS Hyperion 300 blk Sig 120 grain supers on Sig rattler host


@specterscat @TheJaySituation @SwampYankeeArms
@CloudDefensive @radianweapons @DIEFREECO @WinchesterAmmunitionOfficial @sigsauerinc @Magpul @justinmcmillion @emissarydevelopment
Winchester 200 grain subs

Build: Eotech XPS-2 , CGS hyperion (CAT Dirty Dave Ti HUB MiL) , jmac arm bar, gearhead works brace, DieFreeCo Kung Fu grip

Ammo: 120 grain sig copper supers

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