Home AR-15 6 Reasons Why a Shotgun is Better than an AR15

6 Reasons Why a Shotgun is Better than an AR15


In this video, I break down the reasons why a shotgun is better than an AR-15, especially when it comes to home defense. Both firearms have their strengths, but the shotgun’s power, versatility, and reliability make it an absolute beast for protecting your home. We’ll dive into real-world data, including research from Greg Ellifritz, to see how shotguns perform in critical situations, and why juries often favor shotguns over AR-15s in self-defense cases.

Topics covered:
Shotgun stopping power vs. AR-15
Shot spread and effectiveness of buckshot
Shotgun versatility with different ammo types
Legal advantages of using a shotgun for home defense
Reliability and simplicity of pump-action shotguns

Whether you’re a fan of Mossberg, Remington, or just curious about which gun is better for home defense, this video has you covered. Stay tuned for my follow-up video: 6 Reasons the AR-15 is Better Than a Shotgun!

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  1. I am team Shotgun ALL DAY!! But my home AR is also capable of both lethal and non-lethal rounds. If you are NOT trying to break into my house, all the rounds in my magazine are non-lethal to you. If you ARE trying to break into my house, these same rounds are now lethal to you. Hope this helps!!

  2. I love shotguns, when it comes to CQB and buildings, it’s hard to beat the psychological factor ALONE.

    You watch some dude get turned to jelly from the waist up, and you don’t want to fight that dude with the bang stick.

    Combine that with the ability to change rounds based on situation is rad as fuck.

    Also “pull this, then the trigger” is super easy to train those who don’t know fuck all about guns on how to use a shotgun.

    AR is for when people are outside the house, the shotgun is when they are coming INTO the house.

  3. I clicked this video because I wanted to watch shotguns dunk on ARs. I believe personally that the shotgun can be used in most any role, even if that means you gotta develop new types of rounds. The bore diameter of a shotgun gives you so much freedom to do amazing things. People are sleeping on shotguns and frankly it is time to wake up

  4. The most underrated aspect of choosing any gun is whether or not you enjoy shooting it. There is like a 99% chance that you will never have to use your gun to defend yourself so get the gun that has the most recreational value to you. In the rare chance that you are faced with a bad guy in your house I think you will be ok with either.

  5. I’ve always been a shotgun guy my buddy convinced me to buy an AR. I had it for almost 2 years. Tried shooting it a couple of times. It just did not have the feel as a 12 gauge to me. To each their own.

  6. I took my friend to a show to see about him getting a maverick 88 7+1 shotgun for home defense.

    It's a very affordable option on a budget especially when the neighborhood is getting sketchy of late.

  7. The new commiewealth of marxachusetts gun laws, pretty much relegated any new firearms available to purchase for new gun ownership will be pump shotguns, bolt rifles and lever guns. Anything semiautomatic is now restricted to full LTC holders, 21 and older and if its capacity is more than 5 for shotties or detachable box mags in general, its now an assault style weapon and carries even more restrictions on lawful usage. We are majorly fooked here.

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