Home Nikon ROSSI 12g UPGRADE cabela's slugger scope/ 2 inch group

ROSSI 12g UPGRADE cabela's slugger scope/ 2 inch group


I put a Cabela’s Slugger scope on a Rossi single shot shotgun/ rifled barrel. Nice edition to the gun, scope has proven to be very durable. Sighting it in with Remington Accu Tips slugs. Really impressed with this shotgun, scope and ammo. Getting 2 inch groups and better. Y’all take a look and thanks for watch’n!

If you ask “why scope a shotgun?” When night hunting hogs and using a spotlight, its a lot easier and faster to get a precise head shot compared to using iron sights at night and when time is against you in a lot of cases. Plus the ammo developments of slugs and sabots are improving very rapidly, ranges and accuracy. Its easier to get a tight group 150 yards out that you can depend on. Thanks for watchn!

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