Home AR-15 Expensive AR-15 VS Cheap AR-15: Worth The Price?

Expensive AR-15 VS Cheap AR-15: Worth The Price?


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Today we take a look at a higher end AR-15, and compare it to the cheapest one we could find. The question is, does the quality justify the price?

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  1. Thanks for watching guys! What do you think of this kind of higher production TV-style video? Too much? Or cool change of pace? Let me know!

    Sign up and deposit for Underdog Fantasy HERE with promo code HERRERA to get up to $1,000 in bonus cash and a free pick: https://play.underdogfantasy.com/p-brandon-herrera

    Check out Pepperbox, where the second video is live, we post uncensored videos, exclusive content and more! https://www.pepperbox.tv/

    Thanks to SDI! Again, it’s SDI.edu for more info!

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  2. I have done this test with my own Radcal Arms AR against my custom match AR. If you drop a good rigger in the Radical it will hold its own at shorter distances but you will always have crap fit and finish.

  3. I wish I made enough to care more 😂 I've ran a 500 dollar AR for years. Thousands of rounds of everything from steel to reloads and she still runs solid, still quite accurate. Im smart enough to recognize the importance of having higher quality hardware, but poor enough to take what will work. I do put whatever I get to the test though just to be sure, enough 😂

  4. I totally didn't build 2 perfectly reliable and consistent AR's from random parts sourced from whatever shady deals and trades I could wheel for less than $500 each over the last couple years. I also don't recommend you do the same 😉

  5. Need some memes soon, cursed guns, strange weapons of "Insert current war" or absolute confirmation that the whiteboard of knowledge will return and rise again on the pepperbox with even more detail and autistic offensive commentary.

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