Home AR-15 My Favorite Budget Truck Gun|PSA AR-15 Pistol 5.56

My Favorite Budget Truck Gun|PSA AR-15 Pistol 5.56


In this video we’ll be discussing my budget truck gun and reasons I believe everyone should have a truck gun.

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  1. After recently having a Fed LEO tell me the way things are, and are likely to get, no one should leave the house without a long gun with them, I got a 11.5" PSA for that purpose. It works splendidly and it's inexpensive enough one doesn't feel bad lugging it around and leaving it in the ride.

  2. I have an AT Milsport 7.5in ARP. The only thing i really deal with is double feeding every so often when out on the range. You think it could be the mags i recently brought and been using, or you think i might need to change the BCG

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