Home CMMG Titanium Bolt Carrier, What's the Difference? Walker Defense

Titanium Bolt Carrier, What's the Difference? Walker Defense


Do you need a titanium bolt carrier? Well that is a bit of a nuanced topic. The answer is “it depends”.
The titanium bolt carrier from Walker Defense Research is a low mass carrier for those who want to extend the life of their rifle. These are designed to be used in concert with an adjustable gas block. paired together they generate a gentle recoil impulse and an overall very slow carrier speed without compromising functionality

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  1. I am newer to new to building fun guns and my newest build I am working on something fun where the goal is super lightweight. Would it be a mistake to get a lightweight TI bcg and not pair it with an adjustable gas block?

  2. Question: im new to ar 15,s and i got a diamond back ar. I know its a budget rifle. Would i improve the running of the rifle by getting a bcg and charging handle from a well known / cost more company??. Thx

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