Odin Works Nav22 vs. CMMG Defcan 22 suppressor. Both running CCI silencer clean ammo.
I wanted this to be a good review bc the suppressor is fairly affordable but it is not.
Between the sound and the company I would steer clear unless you need a beater flash suppressor. They retail over 4 bills but I imagine the local dealer price will be quite a bit cheaper. say 100 something doll hairs.
In review, the YHM Phantom is still king, followed by the Nav 22 from Odin works. the Poo can is the new last place in the rimfire category.
#22longrifle #farrosleadfarm #suppressednation #cmmg #deficant

Great video sir
How do companies screw up a dang 22 can!?
Shitbox was definitely louder!
Elliot.. elliot…. ouch. Et phine hooooome.
You should do comedy
Makes me feel great about owning a Dead Air Mask and Silencerco Switchback!
It wasn’t getting better it was the ringing in your ears that made it quieter to you haha
they're letting you know… you'll go def using their can.. completely appropriate name
They call it the def can because you will go deaf because its so darn loud!!
Deficate on the def can.
seems to have 8 baffles like many others only thing i can see is the baffle cones like kinda shallow like the cones neeed to protrude more into eachother
Finally something as trash as my JK Armament 105 Versax, now I dont feel so bad.
What’s your take on the Rugged Oculus? Thanks for the review!
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