Home AR-15 Unboxing Mystery Art Supplies for the Algorithm! #Shameless

Unboxing Mystery Art Supplies for the Algorithm! #Shameless


I asked viewers of Sat chat if they would like to see what was in the beautiful embroidered box from Paul Rubens and they said yes! This box was sent as a gift with no obligation. The paints are not yet available on Amazon but here is a link to the Paul Rubens Store on Amazon:
(affiliate link)
Sadly (for me, you may prefer it) the brushes included are pure squirrel.

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Video production and Craft ideas: Lindsay Weirich
Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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  1. I enjoy your unboxing videos beuase you use the products and you give an honest review and also always remind us to shop our own supplies. It is also nice to see what is out there and lets me see the new things without buying them. I enjoy all of your videos and your Sat Chat either gets me to work or home in the am (night shift worker here) I enjoy the company and the laughs.

  2. 😍😍😍 Those giant pans! I do believe Jackson's sells the Blockx version, but I've never sprung for them either. I bet the big pans are the student grade, though, from your demo. I saw they brought out the giant oil pastels in colors too, (they say Oil Paint stick, but I have the black and white and they are actually the Haiya pastels). From the spring on that Esprit brush I'd guess it was a synthetic, since true squirrel just stays bent. Oh and the brown umber is probably a typo – you know it wouldn't be Paul Rubens without a pigment typo! They probably meant PB15, PB*R*7 and PBk9. Your first stroke looked brown on camera.

  3. I would add a pr122, pg50, cad med py35, py150, pbr25, pv16, pbr24/yellow ochre light mission Gold, umber, maybe pbk11. And since I picked 8 I’d swap the hansa yellow and Burned Brown out. If the middle row fit 7 colors I’d put a cerulean colbalt blue, probably before the pbk11.

  4. Paul Rubens… another cheap highly smart chinese company heavily and generously gifting to influencers. It's probably just to be nice, though, right?……..🤐 Let us not worry, and dig in!…….right? X_X

  5. I really don't need any more art supplies, but I love watching you unboxing them. I like the way you respect the product and give us your first impression. You're not just slinging boxes and tissue paper around! I think all of us watching have 100% control of what we choose to buy. In fact, I have come to your channel to see if you've reviewed products I want to buy. So, thank you! You're like my artsy-fartsy big sister who knows about pigments!

  6. From my experience I honestly think that some colors contain ox gall and some do not, that goes for every brand, or they all contain it just some colors have more of it than other colors ? What do you think?

  7. People like your unboxings because you are honest about the products you review!❤❤❤ you are also more expansive in things like trying out more kinds of paper with the products…. This box in particular is so cool because it was a mystery for everyone including you 😊

  8. My fave HP paper is Baohong, because it makes Luminance pencils really come alive in mixed media with WC. Is PR HP paper similar? I like how Baohong HP paper is slightly textured. It’s my fave cotton paper for pencil

  9. Blockx are common in Belgium – not discontinued (just perhaps harder to find abroad) I live in the UK and have family in Brussels so I have a stash of Blockx pans and absolutely love them! Pretty excited about the giant PR pans! Though the last thing I need is more paint. Good thing I can’t afford any atm😂

  10. I think that those W&N were about twice the size of those Kuretake pans. These paints would be a great set to add in a pan of Daniel Smith graphite grey. I think you will find that the granulation added will make you use these colors more.

  11. It's so funny, the comments mentioning "it beats the news!" Yes, it does. I do keep up with what's going on. But for too many years now, so much news has not been good and some just downright awful or scary 😱but it may finally be getting a bit better.
    But YT channels for arts/crafts, thrifting/estate sales, vintage reselling, (picking,)history, learning, old movies, outdoor adventures… you name it, have offered millions of Americans and viewers around the world, an island of sanity and normalcy away from the stress of the world or maybe the stress of our week or just our day. Thank you Lindsay, for contributing so much to providing a "Happy
    Place" for thousands of us who enjoy being creatively inspired by your videos and tutorials and by YOU and then feel a bit of peace & calm while doing it! 👍

  12. Lovely fun gifts for you. Aww so want Paul Ruben’s glitter paper still not on our Amazon I can wait. What to add hummm burnt umber, teal blue and green um Yeap and my go to yellow ochre. Um would also like a little gouache white mind I could break off a little white from a inktense stick. Yep good to go. Me I love my teals, such a fun watch thank you for swatching your gifts.

  13. I wonder why a Chinese company chose to call their company Paul Rubens? Not sure if this is common knowledge but i randomly remember strange facts. Anyway the actor who played PeeWee Herman's name is Paul Rubens. I cant stop associating this haul with PeeWee Herman. 🤭

  14. Don’t worry about doing unboxings if you enjoy them. People who aren’t interested or don’t want to be tempted can skip the video. I love them because when you are swatching and mixing , I learn a lot about color and technique. It’s not always about the actual product for me. Thanks for the video!

  15. Hullo Lindsay, I do enjoy watching your videos no matter what the subjects are! I have wanted a set of the Giant BlockX watercolors! They are NOT as large as the ones that you un-boxed at 3×4 inches! But they are very large sized and they are all lightfast colors! I have found them at St. Louis Art Supply and they even sold a sweet wood palette that held these “giant pans”. I did notice the last time I looked that some colors are back ordered. On with the show!

  16. I went searching for these on Amazon but found that Paul Rubens has oil paint sticks. The listing calls them extra large pastels, but the wrapper says oil paint. A reviewer confirmed they are oil paint sticks. This is exciting since WN discontinued theirs.

  17. Wow, what a lovely gift from paul rubens. Fantastic video as always. Also, i think those big pans would be great for teaching classes like you mentioned…especially since the paint in them is a little lower quality and they are the typical primary colors (tho 3 more colors with a warm yellow, cool red and blue would be absolutely fantastic for teaching watercolor classes. Anyway, thanks so much for accommodating all us curious sat chatters….Great, fun video. You hear that algorithm – give this chick a raise!!! Lol anyway Much love ❤ and take care

  18. Soooo excited for the seen sketchbook tutorial ! I hope it’s a rather simple project but at the same time I am just excited, I made my very first sketchbook about a week or 2 ago and it’s been awesome BUT I didn’t see it so a few pages have fallen out so my next one is gonna be seen so it’s perfect your gonna do that as a video !! N

  19. I love watching unboxings. I also do a fair amount of unboxings on my channel and now I'm wondering if people think I'm icky…
    This is a beautiful gift from Paul Rubens. I bought two of their sets of paints this summer and love them. I've actually seen an improvement in my art since I started using them.

  20. I enjoy unboxing, especially when it's a humble and honest review/thoughts.
    Thank you, Lindsay, for all you do to help me make good choices when buying supplies. You are such a joyful and humble person.

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