Home AR-15 Elizabeth Warren & Stephen Colbert Tells Republicans To Ban AR-15s In Show...

Elizabeth Warren & Stephen Colbert Tells Republicans To Ban AR-15s In Show of Unity


Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren told Stephen Colbert’s audience on Tuesday that Republicans and Democrats should ban “assault weapons” (AR-15s) in a show of unity nationwide as a proper response to the failed Trump assassination attempt.

She then goes on her Twitter to say, “We didn’t hear about gun safety reform at the RNC this week—but it’s an issue where Republicans and Democrats should be able to come together. Let’s ban assault weapons nationwide.”

However, the only thing Elizabeth does worse than being a fake native American is faking sincerity!

Whenever there’s a crisis on anything, she has her “Ban assault weapons!” campaign ready

Elizabeth Warren’s statement isn’t just misguided—it’s divisive. She calls for unity, but what she’s actually doing is driving a wedge between Americans.

By singling out “assault weapons” and calling for their ban, she’s effectively telling millions of law-abiding gun owners that their rights and their perspectives don’t matter.

Think about it: how can we have unity when one side is constantly vilified for wanting to protect their constitutional rights?

Real unity isn’t about forcing one group’s agenda onto another. Real unity is about respecting each other’s rights and finding common ground.

However, there is no common ground here because AR-15s are protected by the Second Amendment!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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  1. Have you noticed that the dems kept saying that Trump was an illegitimate President, that he didn’t rightfully win in 2016 and he is not our President. Now that it fits their gun control narrative with the assassination attempt on Trump, NOW, they refer to him as President.

  2. Just for a moment imagine that Warren got want she wanted and all AR-15 style weapons were banned and confiscated. That kid on the roof would have had a 30-06 bolt action deer rifle. Which would have taken Trump's head off.

  3. Gun control is such a lazy response to crime. It's the easy and obvious solution that solves NOTHING. As you mention here in the video, it does nothing to address the root causes of violence which they really do an amazing job of totally ignoring. Show me how banning guns that are almost never involved in crime and removing the ability of people who aren't the problem from defending themselves against the people who are the problem, and incidentally will not be giving up any types of weapons. Like the typical liberal policy, it proves to accomplish nothing but make a talking point to show they are trying to do something.

  4. "Unity means give us what we want. Democracy means voting for all our proposals. Freedom is oppression. Don't believe the evidence of your eyes. Love Big Brother."l

  5. I really wish someone would actually address the quiet 🤫 part of the 2nd Amendment…it is about National Defense… if they could ban all guns it would make this country defenseless. The amount of civilian owed Firearms is why we have never been invaded…plain and simple. Yes it also would leave us at the mercy of our government which is a very BAD thing.

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