Home AR-15 Recommended AR Assembly Grease – Aeroshell 64/Aeroshell 33MS

Recommended AR Assembly Grease – Aeroshell 64/Aeroshell 33MS


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  1. If there wasn’t galvanic corrosion there wouldn’t be dielectric unions used in plumbing for this very reason. It’s a thing, and some metals play nicer better than others, but this is a great bit of advice. Thank you for it.

  2. Not to take away from SOTAR…. This is now available from Brownells, as well. I'm just a hobbyist and wish I had the money to take the SOTAR classes and purchase their gauges, but just can't justify it as a hobbyist. I love the education SOTAR provides!

  3. My father didn't own any guns and never taught me a thing about them. Everything I've learned I've basically done from experience. This channel has now become the fatherly information I didn't receive. Best part is I'm gonna pass it on to my 10 year old son i shoot with. Thank you for sharing your knowledge its priceless to me. It helps me maintain my firearms correctly keeping them safer for my family to enjoy. Love the content!

  4. you mention using aeroshell on the grip screw when not using thread locker or lock washer. Can you clarify on why you wouldn't use it with the lock washer in this case?

  5. Right or wrong, I started using Aeroshell on my pistol grip screws as well because I had a seized grip screw (I suspect corroded) that the head got stripped out on and ended with me having to cut the grip off so I could access the head of the screw and get a creative purchase on.

  6. My stepdad was a NASA engineer and military arms gun collector. Aeroshell was used in the Mercury and Apollo programs in the 60's 70's and the only grease he would use throughout his gun collection on dis-similar metals. Good enough for him, good enough for me!

  7. Got me a tube of this when i began building. I just use it like it's going out of style. A tube lasts forever. I'm probably 40 builds in atleast. Basically a full tube still. Great investment by the tube, don't buy those little rip off canasters.

  8. I’ve heard people say that grease is better for things like carrier rails, trigger bars in bullpups, and charging handles, is there any actual credence to that? It makes sense to me in a lot of applications because I’ve used lots of contact greases and bearing greases on industrial machines that make use of differential metals/plastics sliding against each other, but I’ve never seen anyone mainstream comment on the efficacy of it in firearms applications.

  9. Used to think I was crazy for putting grease on every major thread joint on the rifle because I watched even major manufacturers skip this step. Now I know they were just bad assemblers for their customers.

  10. Using the wrong grease absolutely can get you killed in the streets. I have it on good authority that the same people who bitch about your torque wrench not being at 90 degrees run around jumping people who don't use Aeroshell on their ARs

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