Home AR-15 Breaking Down The Trump Assassination Attempt

Breaking Down The Trump Assassination Attempt


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  1. I am sad my country is in the state it is in. Certain group of people have caused so much disinformation and lies a lot of people have no idea they've been manipulated and lied to

  2. I'm saying Nothing Wrong in ANY sense or fashion, yet YouTube is deleting my posts. This is insane that they won't let me comment on this subject, when I scroll down and others are saying pretty much the exact same thing I am.

  3. Let's be real, It was probably his first time seeing a rifle outside of a video game, It probably wasn't zeroed correctly if at all, Like you said he probably wasn't very stable and out of breath from climbing. He acted on a whim and wanted to be a martyr but failed at that much like he's probably done his entire life. The republican stuff is a ruse he had been donating to the democratic party since the age of 17.

  4. Demo ranch shirt – great camouflage. Guy up on an unprotected roof – DEI at work. The head of the Secret Service is on record wanting 30% women in the force because inclusiveness. Not sure how much their politics is impacting their willingness to do their job.

  5. i feel that he wore that shirt to "fit in" to get to his ffp more unnoticed.

    think about it, youre in ww2 germany, your not going to try to sneak up to hitler wearing a usgi uniform.

  6. I believe Pete SS was asked for more agents and was denied allegedly . People need to keep in mind former president want have the same number of SS detail as a current president. All that being said the ball was definitely dropped by LE/SS !

  7. We really need to to pray for our kids and family because we are living difficult times and we know that the only one who are able to protect us is our almighty lord and he will use people to help us if he wants but his mercy is over all evils people are living among us since the world was created and we don’t forgot that 😢

  8. Sadly we don’t put the almighty lord first specially when he had saved us from an accident a sickness always we accustomed to say the doctors the guy who was driving or anything that’s coming up in to our heads but my words are not important but the only good reason to be celebrating is that Mr Donald thrum is in great conditions and safe sadly one person was killed and other injured my condolences for the family and good recovery for the injured man/woman 😢

  9. If there is no gun registry, how does the history of the AR used in the Trump Assassination attempt get tracked in so much detail in the middle of the night

  10. the stuff about the shoot dose not make sense at all no SM registerd as a republican. somthing is shady!!!! plus how he was let up their. beacuse i got friends that have done this work they are ex rangers and theirs no way they didnt miss this guy he was 100% let up their and tons of people are saying it. yes its not proven but you talk to anyone in EX security forces of any branch they say it

  11. He was wearing a Demo Ranch shirt for the same reason he used an AR-15 and registered as a Republican. He wants to make everyone think this was a Republican op. This is how Antifa operates – they are terrorists and they are going to use misdirection and subterfuge to accomplish their nefarious goals.
    Of course, he didn't count on the Internet taking about 10 hours to completely unmask him for what he actually was.

  12. The head of the secret service is anti trump and her previous job was working for Pepsi co. Look into Kimberly Cheatle. She denied him more security, they waited for the shooter to shoot first. I'm not A trump fan but seems like they dropped the ball intentionally and sadly I've been saying for a month now they will try this.
    Appreciate your channel and you said what the rest of us thought about this shooting.

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