Home EOTech Running a couple drills and checking out the Eotech EXPS2-0 out at...

Running a couple drills and checking out the Eotech EXPS2-0 out at the Lexington WMA range.


Another one take video this time out at the Lexington wildlife management area range checking out and running a couple drills with the Eotech EXPS2-0. This is a really robust red dot with a 68 MOA ring and 1 MOA center dot that I zeroed at 50 yards allowing for shots at 50 and 200 yards with the dot and 7 yard shots using the bottom of the circle which I was able to demonstrate during my drills. With the qd attachment on the EXPS it allows for lower 1/3 cowitness with iron sight. I have nothing negative to say other than this wouldn’t be my recommendation for a new shooter due to the price and I’m not there myself because that price is hard to justify knowing I still haven’t spent enough time with lpvos and other optic options to know that a red dot is what I want as my primary optic but I was extremely glad to get to test it out.

#eotech #ar15 #oklahoma #reddot

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  1. This is not only the most pitiful review I’ve ever seen, he literally just reads off the specs from the EO-Tech website all while acting
    Ike it’s not already a battle proven optic that’s got dozens of reviews already out by combat proven operators. I honestly hope this guy and his business partners don’t have all their eggs in this basket cause no way in hell videos like this are going to help sell a company’s rifles! Either hire someone who knows weapon systems to make your videos and run your social media or have that chapter 11 paper work ready cause as on right now this business venture is dead in the water 😂

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