With the release of the all new Br4, many people are asking “why?”.
Here, we dive into that a bit. Simply put, we want as many people to be able to express their Right to Bear Arms as possible, including those that live in more restricted locations.
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This is just disgusting
especially the marketing torwards infringement
$1800 rifle or $12 fin grip. I’m behind enemy lines and would never buy one of these. I would buy a regular AR with a fin grip. Then I don’t need to deal with the expense and the proprietary hell.
Only gonna grab one if I can get it in 30-06, chief.
6.5 grenny!!!! I wish I had money to buy one!
Looks interesting- and looks an awful lot like something I saw just a day or two ago. Did a larger company completely rip this off?
When you do a 308/7.62×51, then I’d be interested. The whole platform screams.308 for the apocalypse type rifle. Now choose the caliber that it should be in. Functional, available, and useful. Calibers mentioned are cute, now make it in an actual working caliber that fits the design.
You have to break your shooting grip to hit that mag release button on the right..
The 9mm option might be more popular than you expect – people might see that as a great training/self defense rifle for people with less ability to handle the flash and noise of a true rifle caliber, all while not relying on a dated rimfire based case.
This BR4 begging for a folding skeleton stock
“We saw other companies making similar designs, so we decided to cash in on that market, too.”
Honestly, it looks really cool!
Thank you from NY!
This conversation is a reminder of the power of dialogue to bridge divides and foster understanding. It's uplifting.
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Honestly, some of the older stock designs are more accurate or just more comfortable for people that are used to them. I'd have one just to have one. Lol