Home EOTech Holosun 510c & Eotech EXPS3 direct comparison!

Holosun 510c & Eotech EXPS3 direct comparison!

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  1. Personally, I run Eotech tried and true and battle tested over countless years yeah the life isn’t the best. I tend to keep spare batteries in my grip of my rifle anyway just to be safe considering I run a visible and IR laser as well so it’s always good to have back up batteries for all of your equipment that being said if you are in the situation where you are assaulting position to swap out your batteries before hand longevity battery life is optimal however, typically batteries are changed before doing anything combat wise whether that be a patrol and assault so on it so forth that being said the logistics and civilians is very different think of it this way your house is your fob or operating base if you will place where you only hunker down but resupply the ammo batteries food water depends on what you are preparing for if it’s for civil and rest then hunkering down in your house where all your resources are readily available is probably gonna be the best option going out running the streets it’s gonna get you killed. Great information man God bless

  2. Holuson is 300, eothec is 700 since i go to the range maybe 5 times a year to shoot cans. Not planing being into a internal revolution or chinese invading i ll buy the 300 holusun

  3. I’d say, all things considered, the EOtech is superior. However, I’m not sure that for my use case, the EOtech is a better option. For me, the driving factor of why I’d choose the Holosun over the EOtech is cause of the car better battery life and the *Shake-Awake feature*. If I need to quickly grab my firearm to engage a threat, one less thing to worry about (turning on my optic). For that very reason, I think the Holosun is better for home/personal defense. Now if you’re getting deployed overseas to do some stuff that requires a security clearance to even know about, not even a question which optic.

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