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In this episode:
Hold My Guns struggling
ATF seizing muzzle brakes now?
NRA does something useful!
NRA elects reform leadership
They’re trying to ban body armor again
Melting classic Hi-Powers
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Hold my gun: 4473….NOT!
next they will try to ban my balls. . . Its going to be a hefty task.
They want you disarmed and defenseless. Next question is why. It's clearly obvious their reasons have nothing to do with providing a safe environment for the American people. The unsecured open border is undisputable proof of that. Tens of millions of illegals have come through, some have been flown through and dispersed throughout the country. Many of these consist of cartel, human traffickers, gangs, terrorists, and let's not forget the drugs killing Americans. Apparently the "American" government no longer works for the American people. Someone else is pulling their strings.
The NRA is worth keeping around even if only to live rent free in the minds of gun grabbers and act as a lightning rod while other orgs do the heavy lifting
Its called the BATFE. There are four boxes to check.
I just gotta be honest i dont see the hold my guns thing being successful. The average gun owner is probably not even aware it exists and the average arfcommer is too paranoid to let a 3rd party company "hold their guns"
You earned a ‘Like’, for the Bob & Doug McKenzie reference.
Just get rid of atf. Get back to congress making laws instead of giving our money away.
I have plenty of armor and plenty odlf weapons to defend against this government
Hold on hold on hold on you're telling me you have to do another 4473 to get the guns back that you already fucking own? Fuck that!
EDIT: you guys advertising this borders on The Hodgetwins
NRA Trust Building Exercise #1: Squash this stupid body armor bill.
NRA Trust Building Exercise #2: Squash the NFA/GCA. They should have never happened, and it's your fault.
The ATF muzzle brake Seazure is a precursor to unilateral way to ban all muzzle brakes and muzzle devices.
If you squint hard enough, the ATF isn't ghey. Gotta get super squinty to see it
Lol good luck
Billy Maes with your face on him is some of your editor's better work. Props.
So the takeaway here is that making your pew quiet is naughty, while making it loud is also naughty. Got it. Also, making a pew is naughty.
queue the obligatory:
ATF: Is that Rifle a NFA item?
You: Are those level 4 plates?
Fiberglass + resin x (X)layers clamped together = level 3+ armor plates.
Lol, did not expect to see a cigarpage ad, I already give them way too much of my money .
Alcohol related deaths per year: 178,000
Tobacco related deaths per year: 480,000
Firearm homicides in 2023: 19,592
"Yes, as an agency let's focus on the guns, clearly that's where the problem is and that's where we can make the most difference in saving lives." -ATF, with a straight face
Oh no he has flat washers and a maglight get him.
Brake, unless you broke your brake.
I'm sorry, did you just say that you have to fill out a 4473 to get your own guns BACK?
That's gonna be a huuuuge NO for me, dawg.
That means you're literally handing over your property, legally, with zero guarantee that it will be returned.
It hurts to say it, but I'm a Benefactor Life Member of the NRA. Yes, I bought a couple tiers above normal life membership. Because once upon a time I didn't know any better. I'm hopeful that they improve, but I see no reason to ever give them any more than I unfortunately already have.
If I have donating money nowadays, it's going to FPC. (I'm also a life member of SAF and GOA. Gotta spread the love when I'm feeling financially irresponsible.)
if the law is not easily understandable, it should not be a law.
Beware the evil man taking something away from you to limit your power and increase his.