Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Anti-Gun Bills Pass in the House, Advance to the...

NRA-ILA | Minnesota: Anti-Gun Bills Pass in the House, Advance to the Senate


Last night, House File 4300 and House File 2609 were passed in the House on 68-64 and 71-59 votes, respectively. Those measures now move to the Senate to await committee referral in that chamber. The bills impose a one-size fits all firearm storage requirement and ban certain firearm triggers. Additionally, this week, House File 601 was passed in the House on a 68-63 vote and referred to the Senate Finance Committee. HF 601 penalizes gun owners for failing to report lost or stolen firearms. Please use the two separate Take Action buttons below to engage with legislators and urge them to OPPOSE HF 4300, HF 2609, and HF 601.

HF 4300 imposes a “one size fits all” firearm storage requirement, impeding the ability to engage in self-defense. This could further harm a victim of a crime by subjecting them to criminal penalties for improper storage.

HF 2609 includes vague and ambiguous language that bans certain firearm triggers. The provisions of the bill could potentially implicate many common factory installed triggers.

Use the Take Action button below to contact your Senator and urge them to OPPOSE HF 4300 and HF 2609!

HF 601 victimizes gun owners who suffer loss or theft of their property, with harsh criminal penalties if they do not report lost or stolen firearms within 48 hours of discovering them missing.

Use the Take Action button below to contact members of the Senate Finance Committee and urge them to OPPOSE HF 601!

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