Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Vermont: “Ghost Gun” Bill Up for Senate Vote This Week

NRA-ILA | Vermont: “Ghost Gun” Bill Up for Senate Vote This Week


This week the Vermont Senate is slated to vote on S. 209, also known as “Vermont’s Ghost Gun Bill.” S. 209 mandates all firearms and firearm parts to be serialized and creates “gun free” zones around all voting locations. NRA members and gun rights supporters are urged to contact their Senator NOW and request they vote NO on S. 209 by using the Take Action button below.

S. 209 seeks to implement failed California-style policies that require serialization of firearms and firearm parts. The ambiguous term “ghost gun” is an invention of anti-gun advocates to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens. First and foremost, a prohibited individual is prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm regardless of how the firearm is assembled. If passed, this law would require law-abiding gun-owners to contact government agencies and obtain serial numbers whenever they purchase critical parts for their firearms. This will only impact law-abiding citizens, because criminals will ignore this law and continue to obtain un-serialized firearms and firearm parts.

Additionally, S. 209 bans the carrying of firearms at any voting location during active voting. This includes Election Day, early voting at town offices, and at drop box locations throughout the state. Law-abiding gun owners should not face criminal penalties for simply crossing arbitrary lines with no intent to disrupt or interfere with the voting process. Many of these locations, like ballot drop boxes, are not well known and can be placed in areas like a grocery store entrance. Passing through some of these areas unknowingly and unintentionally could be easy to do and prohibit you from accessing areas where it would otherwise be legal to carry.

Please stay tuned to the NRA-ILA website and your inbox for updates and this situation progresses.

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