The Best 2A Podcast For All Things Guns
I sit down with 2A advocate and firearms trainer Ava Flanell to discuss the new set of anti-gun bills working through the Colorado legislature.
Ava Flanell explains the sneaky tactics behind each bill, like how they are also targeting handguns & shotguns and how the community can help fight against them.
Ava also talks about the realities of testifying in front of the legislature.
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way too many people from calif are moving to colorado
Native all day. It's democracy and out of state take away gunners.
2nd amendment all the way!!! Wake up, people. Our government stages shootings, so the American people get scared of something they don't know and the government take the most horrific incident or stat to the media (fox, CNN ect) and put negativity out in the nation (TV).. if we were all armed, with legally being able to hold a firearm and purchase, we would all be able to stop these mass shootings.
I could be wrong but I do believe 99.9% of gun owners just love to target shoot and challenge themselves to become more proficient and knowledgeable about the sport. Yes, I said “sport”. No different than golf if you ask me

They are not here to uphold the constitution they are here too get rid of it one ban at a time.
If you don't know her dad you should look it up. She has sooo much to loose with this ban
Her dad has the worlds best war museum! or wars
I so want to come see you and your dad at Dragonland! You rock! I have to have your dads 1 inch barrel 5.56 upper
Colorado has gone COMPLETELY WOKE!!
Ever Red state needs to pass a law that anyone that moves to that state. Cannot vote for any of these communist laws that democrats are for, and have them sign a legal document saying that when they go get their Drivers licenses.
I agree, we need to get the word out on all these bills. And we need to let people know that we are actually in a WAR to protect the U.S. Constitution and America.
Pfft. Molon labe.
What you need to worry about are the push for governors to declare public health emergencies and enact unconstitutional laws. The CDC has declared gun violence a national public health crisis. Lujan has done thus in NM. Hochul declared an emergency in 2023, activated the guard, never deactivated them, and deployed them in 2024 for illegal search and seizures. The 2924 omnibus bill allocated 180M for gun control to include planning on how to execute confiscation.
Can't the people sue the state over this and then just appeal it to the USSC?
The Democrats in CO are out of control.
As a Colorado native I must say this bill is bullshit and unconstitutional. Us responsible firearm owners are getting the shit end of this whole thing.
The ATF in democratic government just doesn't seem to understand that they can ban whatever they want for guns those bands are not legal because they are unconstitutional if you're going to be in the government you need to know what shall not be infringed means because if you don't not know what shall not be infringed means you're not smart enough to even use a pen let alone be a lawmaker or work in the government for the people
One more reason I am blessed to live in TEXAS!
One of the things that people are not thinking about is when it says a threaded barrel they're thinking about for a compensator or a flash hider or even for a suppressor! But what about threaded barrels on a shotgun for choke tubes that's also a threaded barrel
She is a good looking smart lady!
She has a lot to loose as when her father passes she won’t be able to inherit his collection!
Colorado has gone to hell. It’s driven by Denver/Boulder/Front range. The legislature is Majority communist lead by a Communist governor. None of these people know anything about guns. This bill is basically California cut & Paste. 2A is not flexible.
As a Colorado resident, this was very helpful information for me. I will be getting more involved in the political process going forward, I really appreciate the practical nature of this conversation
Null and Void
Washington state is worse and I didn’t see you do a video about them?
i hate the foul ideas of liberalism. i hate that liberals cannot recognize the damage their policies are doing to the country
the democrat party is hell bent to take guns away…….look at how much of a snafu each democrat ran state has become.if you are a gun lover park the chuck wagon in a republican state….dont waste your money getting some legal group to try and overturn a ruling the courts are all paid off….period
Would a Glock 20 be banned under this law?
I live in Colorado and most Sheriffs won't enforce these laws. Our Sheriff doesn't even enforce the magazine size limit. I can go right now and grab a 30 rnd mag from my local gun store. Let em try, we won't comply.
They want as many tools gone before they attempt to drop the heavy gloves for forced compliance! Luckily collapse is imminent! They may not have time on their side! It’s sad but the USA is going to be reorganized into very different countries with various political ideologies! It was a good run! Pensions, insurance will still be in effect depending on the ideology of your particular state/ new country! Mortgages will be taken over by your new country however a don’t see all these businesses going away! I t will probably take a decade to get things reorganized! Unfortunately many will have to mass relocate as the new country they are in may be Marxist Socialist in governorship! Going to be interesting over the next year!
The legislative steam-rolling in Colorado is exactly what happened in Canada. This law has NOT reduced the use of firearms by criminals .
I used to live in Colorado Springs before I moved to northern Colorado and I used to go to Dragon Man’s range a lot. Very professional range cadres and a real fun experience. There is a museum and cool store as well. The driveway is like a mile or more long with a creative way of warning you if you are there for nefarious reasons you will not leave. Lol… if you are ever in the Colorado Springs area and a gun enthusiast it’s definitely worth checking out.
I actively support GOA and SAF…occasionally RMGO or NAGR, but I have noticed a lack of activity on the part of GOA and SAF in Colorado. It's maddening.
Yeah, we’re in trouble here in Colorado
On brink if invasion and they decide unarming there citizens is a goof idea
With what you are discussing it is indeed worth talking about however I feel as if we need to address the events that occurred during our forefathers day , in that the outcome was defeating England ! Now we have the same simple minded people pretending to be politicians who would deprive us of our freedom ! But the bigger picture is this , just because (they) make a law we ( The People ) have a choice as to follow it or not as it a violation of our rights and serves only to oppress the People !
Get your evil leaders out of office.
tell gun shops to label their Ammo as identifying as darts lol
Given the Supreme Court rulings lately, why do they still try this nonsense?
Thanks for this info
Great interview, thanks for keeping us informed even though I am in Tennessee. We all need to be informed !!
Protect Illinois Communities Act…. huge BAN and REGISTRY.
As a native. I can attest that Colorado's quality of life has become much worse, as well as more expensive. A recent poll shows that approximately 61% have considered moving.
Thanks as always for your update.
The very second they gave illegal immigrants 2a rights and voting rights and prepaid debit cards is when this gun control bullshit became null and void.
I live here in coloeado, even the liberals own them out here , makes me have a hard time understanding why no one is being active
Anyone going to call out the original CO gun control laws were put in place by a jewish governor? No?
All I want to say is they don't really care about US!!