Home CMMG You Should Own A Pistol Caliber Carbine

You Should Own A Pistol Caliber Carbine


You Should Own A Pistol Caliber Carbine

Pistol caliber carbines are great training options for the range Chadd talks through two great options for a pistol caliber carbine. Do you own a pistol caliber carbine? If not, why not?

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  1. Pcs are effective..they were used in WW2 …they see on weight and cost…and they can hit targets at well-versed 200 yards…most battles in small arms in WW2 were only a littlenkver 200 yards

  2. The EPC-9 having the same controls as an AR to get the practice in is a gamechanger! I never knew something like this existed!

    Do any other companies make PCCs with the same controls as an AR?

  3. I have the PSA 4.5” ARP9 and I love it. Upgraded to a polished trigger group, breeks arms war hammer charging handle, SB3 pistol brace, holosun open reticle prism and timber creek hand-stop.

  4. If I were to get a PCC, it’d have to be 10mm. I have a bullpup in 556. It’s about as long as some of these PCCs that have a can and a stock on it. I don’t need it bc 556 is a hotter round than 9mm or 10mm.

  5. Why do you guys advertise what you have??? Just say you tried such an such. Don't let your left hand know what your right hand is doing… No telling who is watching or listening… But if you were the ATF or FBI wouldn't you keep your eye on an ex Navy Seal who despises our Government??? IM JUST SAYING…

  6. Send that mag back to the manufacturer and tell them to send you one that works or send your money back. As Americans we have become weak to these corporations that sell us junk and not getting our money back. Its the china affect. When we made stuff it lasted now we make junk too

  7. Thank you, and I always enjoy your presentations. What gun is that you are wearing, Sir? Also, do you carry any caliber besides .9mm? Again, thank you for your outstanding presentations.

  8. i hate ar9s. i think everyone thats ever owned one and shot it hates ar9s. stupid bastardized design with high recoil, doest feed right, bolt travels too far for 9mm…

    if you are gonna shoot 9mm shoot a platform designed from the ground up to shoot 9mm

  9. I got a Ruger PC Charger almost 2 years ago now and absolutely love it. It's such a cool piece of hardware. Breaks down to a very compact size, shoots great. I put a Midwest Industries handguard as well a muzzle compensator on it. The handguard looks great and adds some more mounting options. I used it to put a light on as well as another m-lok QD point for a 2 point sling.

    Personally I'd go for something like this over an AR style 9mm PCC. Super fun to shoot like you mentions, breaks down easily to fit in a backpack, feels incredibly well made. I have an M&P 15 .22 if I want an AR platform to train on cheaply.

    OH and I would advise AGAINST SGM Tactical magazines as well. Bought a couple and nothing but constant feed malfunctions. If you're going to go cheap on Glock mags, the 27 round PMAGS seem like the only way to go. I'll take 27 rounds of reliable feeding over 30+ rounds of malfunctions any day.

  10. I deployed to Somalia as a young marine in the 1990s. Both the seal team and the marine force recon team that were with us used MP5s chambered in 9 mm for CQB. I think if it’s reliable and it’s 9 mm it’ll work just fine 100 yards or less.

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