Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Tennessee: Firearm Bills Rescheduled to Be Heard Next Week Including...

NRA-ILA | Tennessee: Firearm Bills Rescheduled to Be Heard Next Week Including Gun Owner Financial Privacy Bills


The Tennessee General Assembly has rescheduled many firearm related bills that were originally scheduled for this week, to now be considered next week. Click here to access the Take Action buttons from our previous legislative alert and encourage committee members to support pro-gun legislation and oppose anti-gun legislation. 

In addition to the bills that have been rescheduled, the Senate Commerce & Labor Committee will hear Senate Bill 2223, the gun owner financial privacy bill, on Tuesday, March 12, at 1:00 p.m.

Senate Bill 2223, provides critical protections on financial data for those purchasing firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition by prohibiting the use of firearm/ammunition specific merchant category codes throughout the state. Additionally, SB 2223 provides remedies in cases where a financial institution violates provisions of the bill. The House companion bill, HB 2762, is also scheduled for a second hearing in the House Banking & Consumer Affairs Subcommittee on Tuesday, March 12, at 1:30 p.m.

Please use the button below to contact committee members and urge them to SUPPORT SB 2223!

Stay tuned to your inbox and www.nraila.org for updates concerning your Second Amendment rights in the Volunteer State.

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