Home AR-15 What parts from an AR15 can you use in an AR-10 LR-308...

What parts from an AR15 can you use in an AR-10 LR-308 Aero M5 (DPMS not Armalite) Parts Comparison


What parts can be used from an AR-15 in an AR-10/LR-308/Aero M5? Comparing the difference in parts between an AR-15 and DPMS (not Armalite) LR-308/Aero M5.

Not for use for Armalite pattern, this is for DPMS pattern. Most parts out there are for the “DPMS High” pattern, such as the Aero M5. Many makes of large frame AR (Sig, Daniel Defense, Armalite, etc.) have their own proprietary parts (at least some, maybe not all). When buying parts, do your research to make sure they work together! Hopefully, this video will help you at least a little, especially if you are using Aero M5/DPMS High pattern parts!

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  1. Good video making a point that there are difference in the M5 build. You mentioned the buffer spring, buffer tubes, and buffer weights. An important note is that if you are building an M5 (.308) and go with a 20" barrel (rifle length), then you must use an Ar15 RIFLE buffer tube, and NOT the carbine buffer tube and use the appropriate weighted buffer for the .308. I have learned that using a carbine buffer, spring, and tube, that the .308 bolt will not lock on the last round. The short buffer tube will not allow for proper clearance. It also creates more felt recoil than you should have to deal with.
    I noticed the m16A1/A2/A4 stock so I'm assuming you are using a 20" barrel.
    1. Barrel length matters. Is it rifle length or carbine length?
    2. The entire buffer system matters. Do not mix tubes and springs. 20" barrel and over is Rifle. Everything else is Carbine.
    3. If you have problems, start simple and change one thing at a time. Start with the cheapest issue (usually buffer system).
    4. Watch were you spent cartridges eject to. A properly gassed system will eject rounds to the 4 O'clock position.

  2. Some one needs to step up and design the whole rifle so they can get the jump on the first mil-spec version then maybe that will straighten out the industry. In the mean time some one needs to make a big list of all brands and every part that will work on each build just like there is in the automotive world. Just not enough money for someone to do it this early in the game I guess.

  3. I love that you mention the buffer tube at the local gun store here in Maine they say oh no 308 is a proprietory buffer so wrong. What about an armaspec Buffer system where it's adjustable. Sorry I was getting ahead of myself and then you pulled one of similar nature out of a Box dude you're awesome. You're like a d*** AR15 AR10 mith Buster Please keep doing more reviews in teaching people need to understand

  4. I would a 100% agree brother on the mag catch It is literally 2 threads under sir where you would think it would supposed to be it would supposed to be put together a lot of AR tens as that I work as an apprentice at a gun shop. And time and time again I think to myself d*** why isn't this longer that's giving my customer room to complain when they are asking for a rifle to be built and this crew is not completely to the end . Because then they debate on is this the way it's supposed to be? . I say yes but you also don't want the mag Release button so deep that now you're mad drop don't work. So it has to be out in 8th of an inch

  5. This is a good video for people trying to buy all the parts for m5 frames so they don'y waste money. Good job on pointing out the mag release not threaded all the way through. I went back and checked mine and pressed it in harder to get more turns on it and almost threaded even so not bad. Don't think that will unthread with all that pressure and the button shape anyway.

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