Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Louisiana: Constitutional Carry Advances to the House Floor – Final...

NRA-ILA | Louisiana: Constitutional Carry Advances to the House Floor – Final Vote Imminent


Today, the House Administration of Criminal Justice Committee passed the NRA-backed constitutional carry legislation, Senate Bill 1, by a 10-3 vote. The bill now heads to the House floor for a final vote this week. SB 1 was passed by the Senate last week with overwhelming support. It is possible that weakening amendments could be proposed, and your state representative needs to hear from you now!

Senate Bill 1 strengthens the right to self-defense in Louisiana by recognizing the right of any law-abiding adult, who is at least 18 years old, to carry a concealed firearm without first having to obtain government permission. This ensures that citizens have their right to self-defense without red tape, delays, or fees. It does not change who is eligible to obtain a carry permit nor impact the existing permitting system. People who still wish to obtain a permit may do so for out-of-state carry and other lawful purposes.

Again, please contact your state representative and ask them to SUPPORT Senate Bill 1 with NO AMENDMENTS.

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