Home EOTech Eotech G33 Magnifier – Good Enough for Socom

Eotech G33 Magnifier – Good Enough for Socom


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Taking a look at another Eotech magnifier. At least this one has a nicer mount.

00:00 – Physical Overview
02:17 – Rooftop
06:13 – Eyebox
07:18 – Comparison – Trijico 3x
09:09 – Comparison – Burris AR Tripler
10:49 – Comparison – Eotech G45
12:03 – Comparison – Eotech G30
13:20 – Comparison – Holosun Hm3x
14:27 – Final Thoughts

#eotech #magnifier #fpr

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  1. The G33 is a great piece of kit. While it is heavier and longer than the G45 with the same eye relief, people swear the eye relief is better on the 33; that's because the longer body brings it further back on the weapon. It's more comfortable to acquire the reticle. The G33 coupled with the EXPS is one of the best setups under the sun.

  2. I got lucky with the timing of your post. First of all, awesome post. I'm a huge fan, and your videos have helped me choose most of the optics I own. Everything from red dots, all the way up to ultra high end ($2,700+) 5-25x and 7-35x ELR type of rifle scopes. When it comes to magnifiers, I have always been a non-fanboy due to the highly limiting factors that accompany these things, but I do have an Hm3x because when I tested a bunch of them, it seemed (to my eyes) that the Holosun had the most forgiving eye-box (and eye relief). Which for a normal shooting guy like me who does not practice repeated identical cheek-weld positions every time I ready my firearm, really does help to have a highly forgiving eye-box. Anyway, I need a mate for my EXPS3-0 and of course the G33 is my first choice, but I'm also considering the G43. The smaller magnifiers tend to have more issues with less forgiving eye-boxes and eye reliefs, but in this case, EOTech specifically designed the G43 with a larger objective lens than the G33 to offset for the smaller size which they claim gives "even better eye relief". Cue my question… knowing that eye relief and eye-box forgiveness are different things to some extent, have you personally experienced the G43? And if so, does "better" eye relief translate into more eye-box forgiveness?

  3. I’ve had both the g33 and g45. I ended up selling both Eotechs and went back to my Juliet 4. IMO the glass is nicer than both Eotechs and I love the 4x for longer shots.

  4. Thank you for the comparisons, man. Really appreciate it- I've been holding off on grabbing an Eotech magnifier simply due to the ridiculously high price (I've got a couple SIG Juliets, 3 and 4x, and a Holosun HM3X for reference, all of which have been excellent) …but I admit to being shallow as hell and wanting a matching one, eventually, for my EXPS3 on the MDRX.

  5. I purchased the Primary Arms 3X LER Red Dot Magnifier Gen IV along with their QD flip to side Standard mount to complement an Aimpoint PRO. It was disappointing to add that extra weight of 12 ounces to the rifle. It was like putting a brick on it. Not to mention that when you take off the magnifier you will need to reset the middle aiming point. Even though it mentioned long eye relief it was still too tight. My overall experience has not been favorable. Perhaps if I spent more on a magnifier and mount my perspective would have been better. At this point I’m considering a LPVO (Steiner P4Xi, Trijicon Credo 1-6, or the Vector Constantine 1-6×24 with the Fiber Dot Reticle) or a Prismatic scope (Element Immersive 5×30 or Steiner T432). Who knows, I may even up with a MPVO and suck up the weight. It all depends on what C_Does comes up with on the next review. Optics are expensive and it’s difficult to make the right choice!

  6. Nice review, as always.
    I was issued a 552 and just loved it. Simple and rugged as heck. I beat the snot out of mine and it always held zero. At the time magnifiers were only just getting issued and my only complaint with it was not having a “zoom” similar to the issued ACOGs. When I got back and paired it with a magnifier it was and has been my favorite intermediate optic for a carbine/rifle. Granted the combo is on the heavier side, but what versatility and ruggedness it brings can’t really be beat.
    Flip to side>flip to center

  7. I chose the G45 over the G33. Better eye relief and give up some eye box, but I when I add in the added magnification I am ok with the eye box concession. Magnifiers overall are all about concessions way one or another. The eye box is tight on anything that is magnified. That is the way it goes. It is a matter of how much. The G33 to the G45 eye box difference although you can tell…it is not insurmountable. The G45 is very very usable while moving.

    I just do not think 3x is enough. The only way I would use 3x is on my home defense SBR. The purpose of that rifle is no more than 100 yards and odds are that is never going to happen in a HD situation, and I think PID is as important as anything in that situation.

    3x is ok if you are just hitting steel at some distance (besides a HD scenario), but I like to shoot more precisely. So 5x is where I go. I like to use sight in targets out to 200 yards. I like to practice to be precise…aim small …miss small I guess.

    I have also heard the argument that it is too "shocking" to go from 1-5x. Absurd. Well I think its absurd. When people throw the LPVO from 1-6 does their head explode?

    The thing is you can get use to whatever you want to………….if you want to.

    I agree with CDoes about the exposed turrets so I purchased the covers for the g45 so the turrets were no longer exposed. The extra spend although shouldnt have to happen was necessary in my opinion to protect the turrets and not have the reticle moving.

  8. I've used a g33 with a micro t2 and after figuring out my hold I was able to ring steel consistently at 500 with it. It's a nice piece of glass and doubles great as a handheld monocular when it's off the rifle.

  9. The video we all wanted! Thank you for making this man! This is also nearly a full magnifier break down, with a couple changes I bet a video would do really well with a title like "ultimate magnifyer comparison" or something like that. Thanks for the great content!

  10. I’ve had the 33, 43, 45, and the holosun 3x (I forget the model name, but it’s the standard sized one that is not titanium). The 33 is my first pick followed by the Holosun. For the money I kept the Holosun and sold the others.

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