Saturn through the Nikon Coolpix P1000. Zooming planet with only a camera. No telescope, just a camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom.
Poland, September 21, 2020.
Distance to Saturn: 1,424,000,000 km.
Music (free YouTube Audio Library):
Title: Searching For You
Performer: White Hex

"with only a camera"
Not to mention the $500 auto-tracking tripod
I heard that its ring will not be visible during 2025-2032
i got the same view of saturn with a 40 pound telescope back in the 1960s, but now ive got the p1000 and carnt wait for saturn to appear in the sky
I would have loved to see you align and "mean stack" a dozen or two of those frames in Photoshop to kill noise and atmospheric distortion.
Distance from Earth: The same of all stars and planets
Hi, what tripod do you use ?
No way
Why is it entirely illuminated like a star? From this angle it woyld have at least a 5% to 10% missing part
Why is it the same color? The rings and the gas are the same. They are different materials apparently
I just realized Saturn looks like an “eye”
what are your settings
I saw the moon Titan
repeatedly saw so many times…. when the first time i saw this thats blow my mind.. amazing just amazing incredible feelings….and music also great.. thnx
the music is great!
so freakin awesome!!
lol forget the camera, what about this rig you put it on, it looks like it can track with that tripod!
That's the eye that replaces the capstone on the dollar bill. Fascinating stuff!
but why is Saturn is not a star
What’s the name of the tripod used for the camera?
May I ask which tripot do you use to stablise the video shooting on Saturn?
so you USED the camera ONLY no special lens?????
This is a video recording, please show the photo at this distance. The video of this camera is very good, but the photo is very bad. The purpose of the camera is photography, not video, video is an additional option. The camera has too small a sensor and not enough dots at the expense of a large zoom , and also poor focusing when quickly approaching the object. This camera is only for taking photos in good weather, or when there is no day for night photography, and it is also useless indoors because it gets too little light, so I won't waste words on the flash, it's a totally useless thing. It would be good to see which camera you are behind.
How did u find me
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, já dá pra trabalhar na nasa em…