Home AR-15 How to UPGRADE your Tokyo Mauri MWS Hop Performance!

How to UPGRADE your Tokyo Mauri MWS Hop Performance!


An easy guide on how to change your Tokyo Marui MWS Gbbr Hop arm, Hop Rubber and Barrel. Follow along with what i am doing in the video and you should have no issue at all. Some rails are quite different but when you get the rail off it is the exact same for each Airsoft Tokyo Mauri Gbbr.


Flamingo Pink 60 Degree VSR / GBBR Hop Rubber:

Laylax Strike MWS Hop Arm:

Thank you for watching the video and do leave you thoughts of the gun and gameplay down in the comments!
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P.S ( This is a Airsoft. No real firearms was used in this video. Thanks Youtube! )

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  1. nice and clean tutorial!

    im using MR HOP at the moment. i also have to try this flamingo bucking also.
    mine MK18 have same laylax arm and stock inner barrel with .36-.40bbs .
    we have 1,2J and 1,7J field limits.

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