Home CMMG AR15 charging handle comparison

AR15 charging handle comparison


I talk about some differences in a few charging handles that I own. Hopefully it can help you out in your search for a new charging handle!! All of them are good choices and like I said I own all of these.

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  1. I have 2 mil-spec and 1 warhammer mod 2. The warhammer lets a lot of gas through right to your face ( I don't run suppressed ) plus it's skinny handle kind of hurts your fingers. I'm going to look for something better.

  2. Just ordered the Aero Precision Breach for my Sig M400 Tread that I've had for about 2 years. Not sure how or why I went so long without doing this simple upgrade. Especially since I'm vision impaired in my right eye so I've been shooting left handed in spite of being right handed for many years. Having a ambi charging handle will really come in handy. Odd that the M400 Tread which is marketed as having ambi features like the mag release and safety (plus the newer ones have a ambi bolt release IIRC) so it's a little odd they didn't just include a ambi charging handle too….

  3. Just bought an M&P Sport 2 AR15. The charging handle is very stiff and scratchy/gritty. I want a smooth charging handle. Which one would you recommend for Smith & Wesson M&P AR-15 rifle?

  4. I'm too cheap to buy high end, lol. I don't care for ambi, seems like the latch kinda drags. That's probably just me, seems easy to not get a full hold of it. I run cheapo mil-spec or SI with the extended latch, and aluminum latches only. That seems to preserve the notch on the upper. Rise has one similar to the SI, and I want to try the Strike T-bone with the poly latch. No moving parts on it.

  5. Interesting video. Good to hear feed back on the Aero Breach. I run Geissele charging handles on all of my ARs. Depending on the role it fills, I use Super Charging Handle for range guns and the Airborne Charging handle with shorter latch handle to reduce snag risk for my "go to" defensive rifles. I finally managed to snag one of their MCX versions for my Sig Rattler finally. They had been out of stock for so long. I know the Raptors are awesome too, but they were out of stock when I started upgrading basic parts. I ran across the Geissele version first, and never looked back. Thanks for the informative video.

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