Home AR-15 Build an AR15 in 60 seconds – Aero Precision Build

Build an AR15 in 60 seconds – Aero Precision Build


Here’s how to assemble and AR15 in under 60 seconds! I hope this is helpful!

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  1. Great summary of your build clips! I’ve been using your videos for my first AR build using many of the Aero components you used. I went with a different muzzle device, trigger, and hand guard with butt stock. Your videos have been a tremendous help and I learned a lot. Some from you, and the rest from my screwups. Thank you for posting your build. 🙏

  2. Thank you, you got big balls becuase youtube will demonitize this stuff, I have never known, so ty for teaching me. Can you create a video on how to search for good parts in stores and online to buy the best parts and mix and match a build, similar to a PC build?

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