In this video we show you the mounting options for our freshly revamped line of DEFCAN suppressors for 2024.
With new styling and mounting solutions, the new DEFCANs are the perfect compliment to your CMMG firearm!
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These are just B&T attachments with maybe some tweaks of your own. I would be curious if those are direct from B&T or if you just reverse engineered it.

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Nice, I need me a Resolute 5.56 can! I have a 9mm sized 1/2×28 can (that's also rated for 5.56) that helps some but obviously isn't ideal. CMMG is awesome, Boonies for the win!
Thank you for getting rid of the stupid linear compensator.
Any plans for 450 bushmaster in the Dissent line?
Thank you for ditching the Bi-lug.