Home AR-15 Here's Why You Don't Threaten Your Neighbor with an AR-15

Here's Why You Don't Threaten Your Neighbor with an AR-15


0:00 911 Calls
1:50 Police Responding to AR-15
7:11 Shots Fired
13:41 Neighborhood Surprise (Daybreak)
19:41 Bearcat Deployed
25:38 Suspect Confronts SWAT
32:23 Neighbors Speak Up
36:00 But Where’s the Rifle?
41:06 Gunman Claims He’s the Victim
44:00 FBI’s Investigation

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  1. Police should have armor, night vision, bolos for people and cars, padded vans, etc. always. City admin people pushing paper should donate for safety equipment imo. they make too much for paperwork tasks.

  2. Naw bro (suspect) was super chill and let's just be honest other old dude said he had super good coke and from the sounds of it everyone knew they all was buying his coke they loved him I love him free my man's

  3. This situation is not all that unusual.
    Living in Albuquerque, I would do pretty much the same things, heading for the fresh perfect morning load-out at Dunkin’ Donuts , at 4:00a.m.
    That’s just Albuquerque.

  4. Ready for the new Era of policing soon to come to your backyard? Pretty soon cops will have the ability to launch drones for patrol and surveillance. It's weird they didn't use them here. (Edit) Spoke to soon.

  5. So he basically thinks it is okay to do what he did because of a false narrative pushed by the media. They are targeting him because he’s a black man in a white neighborhood. That makes zero sense. The police would have done the same thing to a white guy, or a Latin guy, or ANY OTHER GUY.

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