Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Corrected Link! One Senate Committee Advances “Gun-Free Zones” Around Polling...

NRA-ILA | Corrected Link! One Senate Committee Advances “Gun-Free Zones” Around Polling Places; Another Postpones 14-Business Day Waiting Period Bill Until Friday


Today, the Senate Rules Committee advanced Senate Bill 5 by Sen. Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe) on a party-line vote.  SB 5 prohibits the possession of a loaded or unloaded firearm within 100 feet of a polling place or ballot dropbox during early voting or on an election day, still with no exception for concealed handgun licensees.  The bill now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee for consideration.  NRA-ILA will keep you posted on when this measure is scheduled for its next hearing.

Also today, the Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee postponed the public hearing on Senate Bill 69 by Sen. Joseph Cervantes, legislation imposing a 14-business day waiting period on lawful firearms purchases. SB 69 will now be heard on Friday, January 26. Please plan to attend FRIDAY’s hearing at 1:30pm in Room 311 of the State Capitol to testify against SB 69 in person, or you may do so remotely by clicking here:

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81287336647 or Via telephone +1 719 359 4580

Meeting may be viewed via Webcast at www.nmlegis.gov (Click on the Webcast tab and select Senate Health & Public Affairs)

You can provide written comments against SB 69 by emailing [email protected] but don’t assume lawmakers will have time to see or read them!  The best way to make sure your voice is heard is to be at the hearing or on the Zoom.

Please contact members of the Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee BEFORE 1:30pm FRIDAY and urge them to OPPOSE SB 69, which imposes up to a 3 week delay on firearms purchases – even for someone who has passed a NICS background check.

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