Home AR-15 “Why do you need an AR-15?”

“Why do you need an AR-15?”

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  1. From what I'm seeing it looks like we are in a growing tyranny right now Considering our government seems more interested inforcining the edicts of the WEF then serving their own citizens and we can clearly see that from their lack of border enforcement encouraging more illegal immigration providing them health care and housing phones and even 5 thousand dollar paid debit cards. So I would say yes

  2. He doesn't NEED the 1st Amendment… Take away his Tic Tok, he doesn't NEED it…
    Try taking my 1st away, I exercise my 2nd, what does he do? Hire a lawyer?
    Guns are cheaper and have much faster results…

  3. It always baffles me when I see other black Americans be anti gun. I mean given our history with this country, it is almost contradictory and self hating or just straight up brainwashed to be black and anti gun. Like we were considered property and not human, my guy. Tf?

  4. Everyone seems to forget or at least ignore the fact that when the second amendment was written the common man likely had a rifle or pistol comparable to the military.
    To answer his question, because I can, so if you don't like them , don't buy one and don't ever call the police in a dire situation because they have them as well.
    Oh did I start rambling, sorry. No I'm not!

  5. Two questions for you: why do you need a donut, and what’s the benefit of having donuts for breakfast over salad? Answer quickly! My time is precious! This logic … lmao. Great job pointing out the differences between “rights” and “needs”!

  6. Rights are defined by needs. Access to food and water is a human right, because it is a human need. Going to the toilet is a human right because it is a human need. Owing a firearm is not necessarily a human need.
    Access and availability to firearms also absolutely do not mean you cannot be ruled by a tyrannical government.
    I think a two party system with a political cast attached to huge lobbying groups and a military industrial complex that does not foremost serve its citizens, but it’s economies interests should be more than enough proof for that.
    I know it’s hard to grasp when you literally have been brainwashed for generations to believe otherwise and not question your beliefs in the slightest, but your constitution, and the rights granted within it, aren’t supposed to be a religious text and was even seen as more of a placeholder by those who wrote it.

  7. Ok precious. I'll take my time.
    Why do I need one? To defend my life, family, property and the freedoms of good and decent people.
    Yes, defend property from people like dude especially when they become politically powerful or attain a position where they can either send the police to terrorize or detain the police to prevent them from their sworn duty under penalty of persecution from such a person as "precious." At some point the right to defend property must once again be recognized.
    Precious obviously refuses to take time to learn let alone understand.
    The positives have always outweighed the negatives. Notice how leftists always end people in "(fun) free zones." When leftists target other areas they are often met with appropriate response from a citizen present.
    Now answer why so many different leftist mainstream media sources spent so much air time after Columbine repeating variations of the phrase "at least they didn't have an AR?"

  8. The ar-15 have the same power of a M1 grand and people try to tell me I can’t have a ar-15 but I can go get a m1 grand and they want be mad. But people don’t want me and a lot of people only because they was 14 shooting. The m1 grand has very low fire power

  9. I wouldn't even give this clown the supply he wanted when doing this video. His time is precious l. Yes, yes it is. We can tell. You have no time to even know what the fuck you're talking about. An AR-15 IS FAR from a high powered rifle. It just happens to be chambered in a caliber that can sling a tiny, light freedom speed at a high rate of speed.

  10. You're not realizing that most of these lefttards actually want the government to control most of their lives and the economy. It gives them their sense of illusionary safety and also let's them be responsible for self a whole lot less.

  11. To be fair we should be able to own anything if we were to go to the full listing, no restrictions whatsoever, the only reason the US government has ANY control whatsoever is because we allow them to have control…
    Think about it like being in bed with a sub, sure you're taking control and doing what you please with them… but only because they say it's okay and tell you when it's enough. If you choose to ignore and abuse them well… youre most likely going to end up regretting it. 😏

  12. There is so many stock options out there now you can damn near make any gun look like an AR-15 I can take a bolt action rifle put a r stock on it and liberals like this guy would never even know it

  13. And you also have liberals pushing the fact that when the Constitution was wrote they had muzzleloading rifles at that point in time but what they forget is they wasn't stopping at muzzleloaders it's a progression of firearms was already happening at that point in time it's just a means of the liberal government that we are stuck under right now it is a means for them to try to be able to control us and some of these people are so brainwashed they actually believe this s*** that comes out of their mouths when the Constitution was rude the flintlock muzzleloading rifle was the assault rifle of the time it's such a lame argument from the left that is why a lot of their bills get thrown out and never get past you lose the Second Amendment all the other ones will follow like a domino effect the fact that we have the Second Amendment is the reason why countries have never invaded the mainland United States and they have said so themselves people like this guy asking about why do we need a AR-15 and he has more than likely never done anything with his life that is significant to saving others lives or preventing catastrophic events from happening

  14. I wonder if that guy is more than likely a liberal obviously but I wonder if he even realizes that the 556 is a small round compare to the bolt action rifles that the Liberals do want to let us have 30-06 30-30 270 ect he only knows what he's seen on liberal news stations liberals have said on TV I forget the little old black ladies name but she was saying that an AR-15 shoots a 50 caliber round liberals don't even know what caliber they are let alone anything else about them they will allow you to own an M1 grand that shoots a 30-06 that's also semi-automatic but that round is by all means more powerful than a 556 the 223 in the 5556 is nothing but a glorified 22 caliber that's exactly what it is a 22 caliber round in a large casing I bet they don't know that neither

  15. It'd be cool if these people could actually have some sort of discord in real time. I'd love to hear the debate from both sides. I'm pro second amendment as much as i can be but i always like hearing the other sides arguments.
    Tho i know this second amendment hater would get destroyed in a debate hearing his reasoning would be interesting

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