Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | New Mexico: House Committee Advances Two Gun Control Bills, Schedules...

NRA-ILA | New Mexico: House Committee Advances Two Gun Control Bills, Schedules Three More for Thursday


Senate Committees Schedule Two Bills for Hearings TOMORROW (Wednesday)

Today, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee reported out House Bill 27, legislation expanding the state’s red flag gun confiscation law, and House Bill 114, a measure allowing reckless lawsuits against the firearms industry that will bankrupt local firearms retailers.  Those bills now move to the House Judiciary Committee for consideration.  We will alert you when the next hearing is scheduled on these far-reaching gun control proposals!

On Thursday, January 25, at 1:30 in Room 317 of the State Capitol, the House Consumer & Public Affairs Committee will hear three extreme measures that negatively impact your Second Amendment rights:

House Bill 127 by Rep. Reena Szczepanski (D-Santa Fe)                                                                  

Raise the Age

Bans anyone under the age of 21 from purchasing or possessing any semi-automatic firearm, or any standard capacity magazine capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, with limited exceptions.  Also criminalizes the sale or transfer of ownership of these firearms or magazines to anyone under 21.

House Bill 129 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe)                                                                           

State Waiting Period

Imposes a 14-business day waiting period on firearms purchases by law-abiding citizens, which would make for the longest firearm purchase delay in the country.

House Bill 137 by Rep. Andrea Romero (D-Santa Fe)

Governor’s Gun & Magazine Ban

Outlaws the manufacture, sale, transfer and possession of nearly all semiautomatic rifles and shotguns, as well as a number of handguns, that law-abiding citizens commonly own and use for self-defense, competition, and recreation. Current owners would be forced to register them with DPS by January 1, 2025, to maintain possession. Bans standard capacity magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds. Attempts to supersede federal law by prohibiting certain NFA items outright.

Plan to attend Thursday’s hearing, at 1:30pm, in Room 317 of the State Capitol in Santa Fe and testify in-person in opposition to these measures.  If you cannot attend, you can still participate via Zoom or by phone to testify against House Bill 127, House Bill 129, and House Bill 137.  Click on the link below to join the committee webinar:


Or use one tap mobile: +12532050468, 82775218212# US 

Webinar ID: 827 7521 8212

Also, click the button below to email committee members or click here for their capitol office phone numbers to call and let them know you OPPOSE House Bill 127, House Bill 129 & House Bill 137.

On Wednesday, January 24, at 8:00am in Room 321 of the State Capitol, the Senate Rules Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 5 by Sen. Peter Wirth, a bill prohibiting the possession of a loaded or unloaded firearm within 100 feet of a location used as a polling place on an election day, with no exception for concealed handgun licensees.  Since this is short notice, we encourage you to participate remotely via Zoom to register your opposition to Senate Bill 5 tomorrow morning by clicking here.

The committee meeting may be viewed via Webcast at www.nmlegis.gov (Click on the Webcast tab and select Senate Rules Committee) 

You can provide written comments against Senate Bill 5 by emailing [email protected].  Procedures for in-person, remote, and emailed public comment can be found here: Microsoft Word – Rules Committee Procedures (nmlegis.gov)

Please contact members of the Senate Rules Committee BEFORE 8am TOMORROW and urge them to OPPOSE SB 5, the creation of another gun-free zone which will only disarm law-abiding citizens and which criminals will ignore.

Also, on Wednesday, January 24, at 1:00pm in Room 311 of the State Capitol, the Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee will hold a hearing on Senate Bill 69 by Sen. Joseph Cervantes, legislation imposing a 14-business day waiting period on lawful firearms purchases.  Plan to attend TOMORROW’s hearing and testify against SB 69 in person, or you may do so remotely by clicking here:

https//us02wed.zomm.us/i/81287336647 or Via telephone +1 719 359 4580

Meeting may be viewed via Webcast at www.nmlegis.gov (Click on the Webcast tab and select Senate Health & Public Affairs)

You can provide written comments against SB 69 by emailing [email protected].

Please contact members of the Senate Health & Public Affairs Committee BEFORE 1pm TOMORROW and urge them to OPPOSE SB 69, which imposes an up to 3 week delay on firearms purchases – even for someone who has passed a NICS background check.

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