On Tuesday, January 16th, Senator Brian Hardin introduced Legislative Bill 1269 . This critical piece of legislation would remove a person’s “duty to retreat” from an attacker, allowing law-abiding citizens to stand their ground and protect themselves or their family anywhere they have a legal right to be. Please use the link below to contact Your Senators and urge them to SUPPORT LB 1269.
In the face of unlawful attack, law-abiding citizens should not be forced to retreat or run from a place they have a right to be. It is unreasonable that victims of crime should have to worry about being arrested or prosecuted if they are required to use force to defend themselves or their family. Any victim should be able to presume that an unlawful attacker or forcible intruder is there for the purpose of doing harm.
Please forward this to your family and friends and encourage them to also contact Senators and urge them to SUPPORT LB 1269!
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