Home AR-15 Why you shouldn’t use an ar15 for home defense! #ar15 #223 #556

Why you shouldn’t use an ar15 for home defense! #ar15 #223 #556

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  1. I think a lot has to do with the situation you’re in… If you’re defending inside from someone coming from the outside, of course I’ll use my AR. But I think I would use my pistol in indoor closer situations because draw and target acquisition is much easier with a pistol. So then again, this might be slightly exaggerated because why would anyone shoot point blank with an AR?

  2. He isn't wrong but he also isn't right. Nothing wrong with the AR-15. But using a 5.56 or a .223 would be a bad choice for home defense due to over penetration which is what he is trying to show. But using an AR-15 chambered in say a subsonic 300 BLKOUT would be very effective. You get a lot of kinetic energy transfer and less secondary penetration. AR-15 isn't a bad choice you just want to pick the right cartridge for the job.

  3. as someone who has been to gunsmith school and been in discussion with classmates who were veterans ofthe US military, even if 45ACP is slow it is still very effective in close quarters like a home. The most effective SD gun is the one you are most competent with. If you are cometent with the old 12 gauge go for it, if it's a pistol, cool, pistol caliber carbine, whatever. No particular caliber is really worthless, they all have a particular job they can do effectively, or a shooter who has lots of experience can do things you wouldn't expect. One of my classmates was a marksmanship instructor for Special Forces who can ring steel at 800 yards with 300 blackout. The point is, no single caliber has an all encompassing design that can do everything. A PCC in 45ACP would be perfect for home defense because the normally subsonic nature of the caliber would be less likely to over penetrate like the supersonic 9mm may do under certain conditions.

    A 45 PCC or pistol caliber SBR would be great for home defense because you have a steady aim of your hand placement and the ability to do tactical movement after some training. Train with your chosen weapon, become effective with it, don't know someone's choice unless the particular gun is something that constantly malfuntions like a hi-point

  4. I understand the premise of this video, and he's right that from a ballistics point there are better options. I love my .45 acp, but still would prefer the ar in home defense for all the other benefits of it.

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