Home CMMG Left-handed Improvements For Your AR Rifle (Forward Controls Design, Radian, JBO)

Left-handed Improvements For Your AR Rifle (Forward Controls Design, Radian, JBO)

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  1. I have a stock PSA bolt catch and its a PITA to drop that bolt when they are new but that ambi mag release on the left side is a must for me, been thumbing the mag release with my right hand for too long and pinched my thumb a few times to warrent the $30 now.

  2. I have learned after purchasing that I am left eye dominant, but have always been right handed, I shot airsoft and paintball with my right hand growing up and always closed my left eye to aim, just naturally. I have realized now that I am working with real guns and for proper training I am to use both eyes open, but this is impossible being right handed and left eye dominant, seeing these changes gives me hope that I can comfortably convert my existing right handed ar15 to a left hand viable platform to start learning how to shoot left handed and using my dominant eye properly. THank you sir, god bless!

  3. Great video! I am looking at ordering the FCD ABC and EMR-A Mag release. I was wondering since you have both textures. Which one do you like more serrated or dimpled? Does one have more grip than the other? Thank you for the video.

  4. The ar is secretly a left handed rifle from the get so so long as you have a brass deflector. It's easier for left handed people to dump the mag with their right thumb and we can close the bolt with our left index finger. If anything right handed people for years have been trying to make the ar platform better for themselves

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