Home AR-15 Your 2nd Amendment American Right To Own An AR-15 Rifle – Critical...

Your 2nd Amendment American Right To Own An AR-15 Rifle – Critical Mas EP 71


Massad Ayoob delves into the ongoing debate about the Second Amendment and the AR-15 platform. Mas addresses the “weapon of war” vs. “modern sporting rifle” argument. He highlights the AR-15’s semi-automatic nature. Mas stresses the need for clear language to reach the 80% of open-minded individuals in the middle of this debate. He also discusses the historical context of the Second Amendment, emphasizing individual self-defense as a fundamental human right. Join us in this ongoing discussion on the Wilson Combat Channel as we work to preserve our rights to bear arms.

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Critical Mas(s) with Massad Ayoob is a show that provides expert analysis over a wide range of contemporaneous topics related to civilian and law enforcement self-defense, the use of force, and second amendment issues, provided by a renowned and established author with a career spanning decades in training law enforcement officers and the public at large, who is frequently called upon to provide expert witness testimony.

Massad Ayoob has been handgun editor of GUNS magazine and law enforcement columnist for AMERICAN HANDGUNNER since the 1970s and has published thousands of articles in gun magazines, martial arts publications, and law enforcement journals. He is the author of some twenty books on firearms, self-defense, and related topics, including “In the Gravest Extreme” and “Deadly Force,” widely considered to be authoritative texts on the topic of the use of lethal force.

The winner of the Outstanding American Handgunner of the Year Award in 1998, Mas has won several state and regional handgun shooting championships. Ayoob was the first person to earn the title of Five Gun Master in the International Defensive Pistol Association. He is the current President of the Second Amendment Foundation. He served 19 years as chair of the Firearms Committee of the American Society of Law Enforcement Trainers, and several years as a member of the Advisory Board of the International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association. In addition to teaching for those groups, he has also taught
for the International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors and the International Homicide Investigators seminars.

Mas has received judicial recognition as an expert witness for the courts in weapons and shooting cases since 1979, and served as a fully sworn and empowered, part-time police officer for 43 years, mostly at supervisor rank. Ayoob founded the Lethal Force Institute in 1981 and served as its director until 2009, and now trains through Massad Ayoob Group. He has
appeared on CLE-TV delivering continuing legal education for attorneys, through the American Law Institute and American Bar Association, and has been retained to train attorneys to handle deadly force cases through the Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network. Ayoob served for two
years as co-vice chair of the Forensic Evidence Committee of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. He also appeared in each episode of Personal Defense TV (Sportsman’s Channel).

#MassadAyoob #WilsonCombat #criticalmas

0:00 – Modern Sporting Rifle
2:00 – Weapon of War?
4:15 – Using Precise Language
5:20 – National Guard?
6:30 – Tom McHale
8:30 – David Hardy
9:40 – Right to Self Defense

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  1. I live behind the iron curtain, in a duty to retreat state with liberal bias, the state has banned AR 15 weapons, and magazines with capacities greater than 10 rounds. The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals is playing games with Maryland's Assault Weapons Ban by not ruling on the matter. It seems law abiding citizens are not entitled to justice, yet the government refuses to punish juvenile delinquents & criminals.

  2. The problem with engaging in semantics is the opposite 10% will scream just as loud at the 80% and they don't play fair. They move goalposts and run campaigns to convince the majority of their lies. Fairness is a dead concept and a week of debate is less effective than getting kicked in the face once

  3. The state of Delaware banned AR-15's. They also wanted residents who already owned them, go to state police stations and provide documents that u purchased such weapon before the band. Also they wanted u to be finger printed, and then they provide you a certificate of ownership. They also banned magazines over 17 rounds.

  4. Do you really need this. What’s gonna happen that would cause us to need it. I would buy it because it’s awesome looking but probably never shoot it. I have a 1911 made in 1913 and a 30-30 made in 1930. Never shot either one, probably never will.

  5. Founding fathers: this is my puckle gun, it shoots automatically with assist from a rotating arm
    It shoots round bullets for Christians and cube bullets for Turkish Muslims
    American 3 letter agencies: ah yes, so this means citizens should have no right to such weapons, also we should mass immigrate Muslims, Africans, and Chinese into America, this is clearly what the founders wanted!

  6. I live in a south Texas county most elected officials run as democrats because hey, their fathers and grand fathers were democrats. They own cattle, they hunt deer, they own AR-15’s. They do not share the beliefs of the democrats on the national scene yet they run for local office as democrats. Case in point, Trump won the county popular vote in 2020….

  7. Essentially all workable firearms types have been used as a military weapon, it just depends on which war. Lever action tube fed rifles were state of the art in the US Civil War. Even such oddities as a Drilling were used militarily, by the Luftwaffe as a survival weapon.

  8. When the AR was first introduced, you could purchase one through a catalog like Sears. Boy, would the gun grabbers go nuts if they were informed about this nugget. When the Second Amendment was ratified, muskets were 'weapons of war,' therefore, I have no problem debating people on the issue. Also, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights do not give rights to the government, but to the people. It explains how the government is to be structured, it does give rights to the people, not to the government. I recently debated an individual about ammunition and whether or not it would be included as part of the Second Amendment. Their position was 'you have the right to guns, but not ammunition.' I explained that didn't make sense because it would be like saying the First Amendment, there is the right to a free press, but not paper and/or ink. To my disbelief, they agreed with me. Since the First Amendment didn't specify ink and paper the government can restrict your access to these items. I swear, you can't make some people's total stupidity up.

  9. also i respectfully take objection to the idea that one has to be of the same intellect as a supreme court justice. perhaps it is a bit of a flaw in our system that court justices have a say so on paramilitary matters when there knowledge of military matters doesn't have to evolve while warfare is evolving rapidly and has been for 100 years.

  10. Excellent video, but I have no faith in the US Supreme Court. At least half of them are idiots . . . wait, no at least half of them are demonic. There is no such thing as gun rights. That is a term control freaks like because it takes away how we really need to think about this issue. It is not gun rights, but human rights! It is God that has granted man with freedom. Freedom to defend against forces that want to enslave man.

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