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Chainsaw/flamethrower attachment.
I was wondering if a Hux “flow through” would work ok with a cover, I guess it would
I love the flared mag well thing cause i dont even gotta buy a magwell flare, Aero's newer lowers are pre-flared from the factory and i gotta say its one of the most natural moves a gun manufacturer couldve made imo
I got a caveman smart band on my barrel that turns orange when hot. Simple way
Doing great Aaron!
Bring back the hot chick
Great job explaining and showing HOW not losing cheek weld with the TRX 45* offset/ red dot set up is sweet !! I never liked the over the top back sight. I'll have to try it $$$
Aaron, I’m doing fine, what I forgot about my last build is not so much what I could’ve added because there’s no space for it but it was to check the awkward and annoying position of the back end QD sling mount, it’s pushing right into my hand when I grip the gun and if I don’t do it a certain way, it’ll get between the grip and my hand, also don’t forget to find a Vice grip and torque wrench for the muzzle device, hand tight just isn’t as tight as it should be
Did Clint say murder skills or motor skills
I don't know if you're aware, but if you back off the tail cap on that surefire it allows that button to free spin and you can put it in any position you'd like
You don't need a flared mag well. You just need training. We did reloads in firefights in Iraq, sometimes using night vision, and we were fast. We just trained on reloads countless times a day for the better part of 8 months stateside training.
Damn. I forgot that 1800 optic sh….
What's Aaron's Handguard on his main AR?
Y’all should do a competition going from long range to back up/ close range optics
I enjoy yalls humor and guests . When you get to the gritty, you're straight forward n soild information. Cover the y's and the do nots very well . Arron I'm doing Spectacular
The token is cringe. Unsubscribed.
Got it: Get Protection for your meat. Don't worry about the tip.
Diaper on the front
9:08 – the correct answer is gloves; get youself some 20 dollar Mechanix and you're good to go.
With a top mount red dot, if you rotate the rifle like you have an offset, the dot will align with your left eye and still be on target
Front heavy guns lol
Don’t forget the bayonet!!
I could see a backup red dot but even back up irons… either one should only be gotten if someone feels they have run out of stuff to purchase and have money to blow. 99.9% of people would much more benefit from trigger time with their main optic at the range the 4times a year that they go vs dropping the equivalent to 500-1000 rounds worth of money towards something they could potentially not use. From my understanding the Corps no longer teaches iron sights anymore
Clint bro, standing next to Aaron and Kaya it looks like you need to step up your pushup game.
Just got off work (Night Shift), glad to be off and have something good to watch to go to sleep, keep it up guys

Hi from Puerto Rico