Home AR-15 BREAKING NEWS: ATF Pistol Brace Rule is DEAD!! #guns #pistolbrace #atf

BREAKING NEWS: ATF Pistol Brace Rule is DEAD!! #guns #pistolbrace #atf



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#lifewithob #guns

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  1. I'm so happy we won one. And I'm so glad I picked me up one of the homies AP5 that he had a binary in it for nothing cause he was so convinced we were gonna lose. I feel bad for him but binary MP5 is a dream gun of mine

  2. You sure you didn’t buy from me? Maaaaaaan I’m pissed 😢 but happy at the same time. Wish I could sue I lost about 3k for the price I let my builds go for. They need to abolish the ATF. What purpose do they really serve other then setting traps for law abiding citizens?

  3. This was a win, but not a win win. I say this because had it only affected one demographic, it would've passed no problem. When they saw that the compliance numbers were low, they knew damn well they couldn't make some police officer, disabled veteran or judge who didnt comply a felon. They knew dog gone well they couldnt make the CEO of a company a felon or that mother of 5 who liked shooting on weekends a felon. I sure as hell didnt go out and spend my money on something just to take it off and destroy it. Thats just my opinion. To those who were frightened enough to go register their pistols as SBRs, just remember you have to get permission in writing from the ATF to take a piss now.

  4. BRAH hell naw. Sometimes you gotta be patient because that rule was some BS from the jump. If they sold they stuff its on them, if you SBR'd it well that's also on u, if u waited and took the chance of possibly bein considered unlawful that's also on u…..Errybody gotta choice to make. Glad they got this one right finally.

  5. It was never gone, for people that don't care about lame laws made by tyrants. So many of these pathetic three letter agencies need BANNED! If they have nothing better to do that tax your shit and make stupid laws so they can collect a paycheck THEY NEED TO GO!

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