In this episode of TFBTV, @Hoplopfheil visits CMMG to shoot the newest variant of the Dissent, and the newest variant of the Mk47. But it’s the same gun. The Mk47 “Mutant” is a beefed up AR chambered in 7.62x39mm that takes AK mags, and the Dissent is CMMG‘s compact action recoil system that allows for the use of folding stocks. Put them together and you get an AR that shoots 7.62x39mm, takes AK mags, and has a folding stock. So does the AK even still need to exist?
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For the price it better be.
what crap. an answer looking for a question
I sold one of the older cmmg mutants for $2500a year or two back, I wonder if the buyer is kicking himself right now for not waiting a bit. Yes it did come with extra mags, case, and scope but it also had the most horrendous rattle can camo paint job I have ever seen.
LOL no
I love CMMG, but it's not better than my Tabuk 2042 DMR .
Mayor Fuglycoo
Literally costs more stock than a zenitco'd out import AK and is guaranteed to be less reliable. Hard pass
I think many people forget that PTR makes a gun in 7.62×39 that takes ak mags. I like the original mutant bc of the full mass bolt carrier. Just my 2 cents
Ok I like hop, or liked him. But he just shot a Mk47 full auto, and didnt even break a small smile.
Now i hate you hop, hate you so much.
Whats on hops face?
Buddy trained in Florida for military used cmmgs to test said they jammed all the time . Prolly four to five years ago ??? Bs??
No automatic bolt hold open
Cmmg needs to build an anvil version.
What’s the price on this?
Not worth 2000+ dollars
why would you ever downgrade a AR to a terrible outdated caliber like 762 39, and costs more, and harder to get…..why.
P.S. oh yeah and you loose last round bolt hold open just to top it off.