Home CMMG Step by step AR15 lower receiver assembly

Step by step AR15 lower receiver assembly


Here is a detailed step by step video on how to install the lower parts kit and buffer/buttstock assembly for the AR15 and M4 platform rifles.

If your trigger does not reset, her is a link to our rumble channel that will show you how to fix it .

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  1. I didn’t even consider building my own lower until I watched your video and with all your info and detail I knew I could. An hour later and I’ve got a finished, operational lower. Thank you!!!

  2. Without question the best assembly video I've ever seen. Although I've assembled 2 previous lowers, it's been awhile, so this video walked me through everything easily. I also appreciated your demonstrating the Real Avid Pivot Pin Tool, because the instructions were downright confusing, at least to me. Thank you for taking the time to do it.

  3. Great video. Much more detailed then I needed but that's better then not. Great camera angles and work!

    Working on my own lower – just waiting on the buffer tube but this will make it easy and be referred to while assembling.
    Thank you!

  4. There are so many terrible videos out there. From incorrect trigger spring placement, a guy obviously reading directions off camera about how to do the install, and some with the builders hands totally blocking the view….. THANK YOU for the detailed (in focus) video, great lighting, and detailed descriptions of what you were doing.!!!!

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