Home CMMG Convert Your DISSENT 5.56 to .22LR

Convert Your DISSENT 5.56 to .22LR


Our .22LR conversion for AR15s has been one of our more popular items for many years! With this adapter, you can now use your .22LR Conversion in your 5.56 chambered DISSENT!

Shipping with all 5.56 chambered DISSENTs in the 2024 model year, and available to be purchased separately.

This adapter will also work with our Mk4 5.7 DISSENT if you use the Mk57 Conversion Kit.

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  1. The Dissent is my favorite AR style rifle. I can’t believe the big you tube channels are not drooling all over this rifle, or pdw. I love it better than any Sig, or B&T product. It’s smooth and less gas with a silencer in my opinion. I’ve got to get a 6 arc upper.

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