How to replace the battery’s in a streamlight flashlight . Simple explanation.
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I cannot go further than taking the end piece off. Then the push button appears to be sealed in with nothing else that turns or unscrews. I tried pliers and wrenches. Nothing gives.
I finally got the end off but I change get the batteries out!!!!!
You obviously didn’t understand the problem. The stream light jr rubber tip switch is extremely difficult to remove. Why are you scared to show up close how to remove the end?
The flashlight uses batteries !! …!!! WOW !!!
"….. just unscrew the end…" That is MUCH easier said than done. I can't for the life of me get the end off. Just about ready to do what these other 2 guys did… toss it into the garbage. The end just won't unscrew.
I didn't know you could change those 😂. Now I can quit throwing away my flashlights and just replace them. Dam