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The AR15/M16 is more reliable in the mud and dirty conditions than the AKM, although it does require more maintenance to do so.
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Looks like what I’m leaving in the toilet as I type ..
На хорошо смазанном затворе AR грязь не держится…
The funniest part about this to me is the comment section. The guy is literally proving what he said and yall are just fighting a losing battle “Why would you do that?” To prove a point

Thats a lot of effort to say the AK is better than the AR15 lol
Both two of the best platforms ever made
Ти ще суперклей туди залий
Usung real mud for bulgarian AK
and Nutella for AR-15 is not the right match.
AR15 is always better
What are you guys talking about the 15 is better than the ak in everything
A reliable firearm in the hands of a moron, still makes them a moron.
Still would prefer an ak with my mods
I was in the army for almost 10 years, I have multiple combat deployments under my belt ranging from Iraq to Afghanistan I’ve carried M4’s and was a machine gunner who carried the 249 and 240 I cleaned my weapon system daily and ate my food in that order and I never had an issue in any weather while fighting and shooting. Maybe a time or two clearing a jam on the 249 sure but that’s rapid fire that’s expected but as far as the M16 platform is concerned I never ever had an issue and I never felt my life is in the line just because I have this as a service rifle, they teach you to clean for a reason, don’t you operate better when you’re clean???? Y do people think weapons are any different??
He used brass on the AR and steel on the Ak this guy a fool
I'm calling b***** when I was in Afghanistan. I saw them clean out the barrels of their AK, 47 with a tampon and a chain dipped in use motor oil. It worked fine and I know that an a r or m four or m sixteen would not have survived the same
Ak have been proving itself from the jungles of South America, through the Afrcan savannas and deserts, up to the rainy areas of Cambodia. The results are always the same – avtomat kalashnikov is best there is- cheap, easy to maintain, fire under all conditions. And video with healing mud, shown only on ar won't prove the opposite…
Nice camo lol
They use replica of AK, not original.
Gun people are just nerds with recoil addiction.
I said it before and I'll say it again. Gun go pew-pew-pew.
Yeah put the mud in the inside. You filled the guts of the ak but you didn’t fill the guts of the AR. Pull the bolt back and pour it inside.
Typical American duh

The AK was way dirtier, the breach was packed with mud